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| Femeie 22 ani Bucuresti cauta Barbat 24 - 54 ani |
Bloody`s lil sis
Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
si yo,
Lady_Eclipse este foarte de treaba, o fata minunata, o prietena si in acelasi timp o sora pe care toti si-ar dori-o, o persoana darnica, she is sweet, cole, nice, nu am cuvinte rele pentru ea. Am atatea sa-i multumesc: ii multumesc ca mi-a zis de acest forum, ii multumesc pt noul meu avatar, ii multumesc ca-mi este prietena...
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
zic doar atat... my twin sis
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
Bloody`s guy
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1270
va rog fara spam k nu vreau sa stearga topicul PANA NU VB DESPRE TOTI
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 646
hihihihi si despre cine vrei sa mai vb ca despre Lady_Eclipse e clar ca e speciala pt toti de pe forum?
_______________________________________ Orice om este prost macar 5 min pe zi;intelepciunea consta in a nu depasi aceasta limita
pus acum 18 ani |
spun doar k L_E e surioara mea si am spus tot!
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1063
L_E e una dintre fetele cele mai intelegatoare de pe acest forum...e prietenoasa ,darnica(merci pt noul meu avatar)...si e surioara mea...nu am nimic sa-i reprosez
pus acum 18 ani |
Surioara lui Sapphire Lady!
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 709
e de treaba ,prietenoasa ,optimista ,imi place mult de ea ,si in plus e surioara mea cu care ma inteleg f bine,si cred ca e prietena pe care toti ar dori sa o aiba .I love you siss!!(sa nu va ganditi la altceva)
_______________________________________ I'll be there for you When the rain starts to pour I'll be there for you Like I've been there before I'll be there for you 'Cuz you're there for me too...
pus acum 18 ani |
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady
Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
OMG!M-sti facut sa rosesc si sa ma emotionez super tare de fericire,nu mai stiu nici sa scriu .VA multumesc din suflet!Dar sa nu va retineti cand scrieti pt k orice ati zice nu ma supar !
pus acum 18 ani |
L_E e surioara mea !!! e super d treaba!!!! it isn't that right sweety_tweety??
Modificat de kurama_best (acum 18 ani)
pus acum 18 ani |
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady
Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
kurama_best a scris:
L_E e surioara mea !!! e super d treaba!!!! it isn't that right sweety_tweety?? |
Cum zici tu,sweet_thing.Doamne,park am fi casatoriti Haideti oameni buni,criticati-ma!
pus acum 18 ani |
ma deranjeaza la u k eshti super d treaba shi k eshti super modesta...
pus acum 18 ani |
Moderator of darkness
Din: Demon world..a cruel place!!
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 385
why sis??de ce sa te criticam dak nu meritzi ? esty tare de treaba si intelegatoare..sari in ajutorul cui ti-l cere.. esty surioara mea scumpika si sunt mandra de acest lucru
_______________________________________ i live in darkness...i live in rain..i'm the one who causes all of you're pain... wach you're back every step...cuz i'm a demon in disguise
pus acum 18 ani |
Bloody`s guy
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1270
gata! e randul pungashei
mi s parea o persoana antipatik pana sa o cunosc mai bine(p mess)
pus acum 18 ani |
pungasha e cealalta surioara a mea p care o iubesc mult mult mult si despre care nu pot sa spun decat k e una dintre prietenele mele cele mai bune, k e super de treaba, si o prietena fffffffff buna!
pus acum 18 ani |
kiara_the_lioness a scris:
pungasha e cealalta surioara a mea p care o iubesc mult mult mult si despre care nu pot sa spun decat k e una dintre prietenele mele cele mai bune, k e super de treaba, si o prietena fffffffff buna! |
la fel zic shi eu ..She is my sis 2!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
din cate am vazut pe forum e super de treaba...nu am avut inca ocazia sa vb cu ea pe mess...oricum she has a special place in my heart
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
time lord
Rymali's sweet big bro'
Din: out side of time
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 174
pare o persoana de treaba dar o cunosc doar pe forum
pus acum 18 ani |
Bloody`s lil sis
Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
pungasha, este surioara mea mai mare, prietena mea, este cool, sweet, she has a big big hurt, o cunosc si de pe celalalt forum si a ramas la fel de cute, de prietenosa, de amuzanta
pus acum 18 ani |
Moderator of darkness
Din: Demon world..a cruel place!!
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 385
ok_liv a scris:
gata! e randul pungashei
mi s parea o persoana antipatik pana sa o cunosc mai bine(p mess) |
ce direct ai fost..de-aia imi place mie de tine
_______________________________________ i live in darkness...i live in rain..i'm the one who causes all of you're pain... wach you're back every step...cuz i'm a demon in disguise
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Oarasul viselor pierdute
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 288
pungasha...pai.....sa vedem....o cunosc de pe celalat forum (A...) si ii multumesc mult pt k m-a ajutat knd am avut nevoie si trebuie sa ii reamintesc k este super de gashca si mi-as dori mult sa fiu k ea. SA NU TE LASHI INVINSA NICIODATA!!!!! Esti o tipa
_______________________________________ Aseara ai venit la mine in pat ca o naluca. te-am prins in brate si te-am strivit la pieptul meu. Ai fost atat de salbatic cu mine. Urmele muscaturior tale salbatice mai sunt si acum vizibile pe corpul meu. Cearsafurile de pe jos si patul ravasit sunt singurele amintiri ale noptii precedente. In noaptea asta ma voi preface ca dorm si te voi astepta sa vii: TANTAR NENOROCIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 65
e super de treaba, mie mi-a fost placut cind am vorbit cu ea pe mess!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Bloody`s guy
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1270
gata! urmeaza PISOIASH
MIE MI-A PLACUT DIN PRIMA(d la prima postare) si dupa c am vb p mess... o declar "NEBUNA" e d nota 10
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Oarasul viselor pierdute
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 288
PISOIASH e super de treaba dupa cum spunea si ok_iv e o fata de noata 10 sau chiar 1000. Tine-o tot asa!
_______________________________________ Aseara ai venit la mine in pat ca o naluca. te-am prins in brate si te-am strivit la pieptul meu. Ai fost atat de salbatic cu mine. Urmele muscaturior tale salbatice mai sunt si acum vizibile pe corpul meu. Cearsafurile de pe jos si patul ravasit sunt singurele amintiri ale noptii precedente. In noaptea asta ma voi preface ca dorm si te voi astepta sa vii: TANTAR NENOROCIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Moderator of darkness
Din: Demon world..a cruel place!!
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 385
pisoiash m-a impresionat si pe mine de prima data cand am vazut ce a postat..e super de treaba si simpatika
Modificat de pungasha (acum 18 ani)
_______________________________________ i live in darkness...i live in rain..i'm the one who causes all of you're pain... wach you're back every step...cuz i'm a demon in disguise
pus acum 18 ani |
hm..la fel zic si eu..cel putin a fost super sweet cu mine prima data
pus acum 18 ani |
Bloody`s lil sis
Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
PISOIASH e o prietena super de treaba, e fata minunata, she's my friend, a sweet girl, a person who you like to talk with, she's cool
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
mda....si ok_liv a tras chiulul si a uitat sa spuna o persoana....sa vedem si un baiat...ce parere aveti de .....chiar OK_LIV?
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 379
ok_liv mi se pare sooper de treaba si funnychiar as vrea sa fim prieteni......nu e chiar asa de evil
_______________________________________ Lost time is never found again.
pus acum 18 ani |
Surioara lui Sapphire Lady!
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 709
ok_liv mi se pare funny si ok
_______________________________________ I'll be there for you When the rain starts to pour I'll be there for you Like I've been there before I'll be there for you 'Cuz you're there for me too...
pus acum 18 ani |
like...ok_liv is cool and i respect him!! Premiu Special!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady
Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Ok_liv: pai ce pot sa spun...e one crazy guy Dapz,mi s-a parut de treaba,m-a facut sa vars sucul pe tastatura de cateva ori si ce sa mai...cool baby!
pus acum 18 ani |
Bloody`s lil sis
Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
ok_liv is my new friend, e super de treaba, simpatic, amuzant and he is a very good friend
Modificat de KITISHOR (acum 18 ani)
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
super de treaba dar cam trage chiulul asa next person >>> Squall
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
Bloody`s lil sis
Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
Squall este un tip de treaba, chiar dak e mai rece, pai nu asa trebuie sa fie un administrator si de treaba si un picut mai rece?
pus acum 18 ani |
squall...hm...dak ar fi mai sociabil shi mai putin ursuz i'ash da 10+ in loc d 10
pus acum 18 ani |
Dark Vampire
Din: pe la gatul fetelor
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 912
mi se pare de treaba pt un admin, n-am avut probl cu el si sper sa nu am
_______________________________________ Deschide-ti bine ochii pt k ceea ce vezi nu e tocmai ce crezi.Nu te increde in nimic!
pus acum 18 ani |
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady
Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Squall e super,el a avut recordul la a ma face sa vars sucul pe tastaura !E tare baiatu',si are o minte....
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
pai sa vedem...squall....mana mea dreapta (desigur mai sunt si fetele...uff sunt ca o caracatita )....super de treaba..i really enjoy talking with him...si vb L_E >>> "si are o minte...."
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
Sapphire Lady's brother!
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 148
nu prea am vb cu el...dar e super de treaba si il duce capul pe baiat .....keep up the good work
_______________________________________ Life sucks.....
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
buuun...next guy....Alphi
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
Mariko's Adorable Bro
Din: Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2979
yeah.....he's a cooooooooooool guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_______________________________________ I'm Hiei!!!The Dark Asassin!!Run for your lives or else Die!!!!!'cause in the Spiritual World I'm a Demon Hunter who kills everything in his way!!!!!!!My demon power can transforme me into a monster.................but when I dye I will be with you in The Demon World!!!!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
pai Alphi mie mi se pare un baiat super din toate punctele de vedere insa nu imi place ca se subapreciaza atat...in rest am numai vb bune despre el
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
Sapphire Lady's brother!
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 148
thx......but.....off nevermind......pe urma iar incepem.....
_______________________________________ Life sucks.....
pus acum 18 ani |
ALphi...oh...come on!! u are such a cool guy!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Moderator of darkness
Din: Demon world..a cruel place!!
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 385
Alphi mi se pare unul dintre cei mai de treaba si simpatici baietzi de pe forum... este genul de pers. cu care poti vb..dar dupa cum zicea rymali te apreciezi mult prea putzin.... ai mai multa incredere in tine alphi..you're a very nice guy
_______________________________________ i live in darkness...i live in rain..i'm the one who causes all of you're pain... wach you're back every step...cuz i'm a demon in disguise
pus acum 18 ani |
Dark Vampire
Din: pe la gatul fetelor
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 912
Nu am vb cu el deocamdata dar mi se pare un tip de treaba, cred k nu esti sing pers kare se subapreciaza, o sa treci peste asta cand vei capata suficient de multa incredere in tine Fiti fara griji, n-o sa ramana asa mereu Bafta amice
_______________________________________ Deschide-ti bine ochii pt k ceea ce vezi nu e tocmai ce crezi.Nu te increde in nimic!
pus acum 18 ani |
Bloody`s lil sis
Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
Alphi pare a fi un tip super de treaba, imi place cum posteaza si yo iti spun sa nu se subapreciezi, chiar daca nu sunt cea mai indicata sa-ti spun asta
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Next >>>Kiara_the_Lioness
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
Mad and evil friend of Rymali
Din: Shadows of hate and sadnes...
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 291
Kiara_the_Lioness ... hmmm .... she's kinda like you ..... numa ca mai putin nebuna ... dosen't laugh as much as you do at my jokes .....
_______________________________________ Death is but a gift ... a special gift ofered to us at the END
pus acum 18 ani |
Bloody`s lil sis
Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
Kiara_the_Lioness e o fata super draguta, de treaba, o prietena foarte buna si un moderator excelent
pus acum 18 ani |
Rymali's sweet angel
Din: Haven
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 860
chiar e un moderator excelent si e super de treaba din cate am vazut...10+
_______________________________________ Can you feel it?Can you feel the worm brathing on your neck...going up to your smooth lips that cry four my kiss.....your silk lips that I bless with a kiss of an angel.....then feel it for the last time cause I am not a pure angel any more...Your indiference killed me...now I am an warior angel.....don`t stay in my way.....
pus acum 18 ani |
Kiara_the_lioness??? so cooooolll!!! e surioara mea cea mai buna!!! p ea o iubesc cel mai si cel mai mult (bine, nu numai p ea, dar cu ea ma inteleg suuupeeerrr!!!! ) !!!! ea mereu m'a ajutat, e kiar surioara mea!! eu kiar tin la ea!!! ea mereu m'a ajutat cnd am avut probleme!!! T iubi surioara!! :*:*:*
pus acum 18 ani |
mega blush! wow....thanks kurama si eu t iubi!
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
deci kiara..mana mea dreapta...my lil crazy sister...Lucy/Nyu de Romania ...i love her super duper much...keep going sis
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
noreva parizie
Din: orasul viselor pierdute
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 366
waaaa....kitty e una dintre cele mai dragute, speciale, frumoase, destepte,de treaba persoane pe care le-am cunoscut... love you, sis si sa nu te superi pe mine.. ok ?
_______________________________________ I am free to die in peace...my heart is in pain because of you...i'd like to be free again, to fly like a bird...but i can't...because i am caught in you're tears...
pus acum 18 ani |
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady
Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Kitty....my crazy little kitty!I love her,but everybody does so that dosen't really count.What can I say?She is funny,smart,crazy(almost as me,moonshadow stie ) and she's just way cooler than me.Love ya sis!
pus acum 18 ani |
time lord
Rymali's sweet big bro'
Din: out side of time
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 174
surioara mea mai mica pe care nu am avuto nici odata pe care o respect
pus acum 18 ani |
Surioara lui Sapphire Lady!
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 709
hmm ,kiara este cealalta surioara a mea si este funny ,sweet ,de treaba si crazy,imi place de ea
_______________________________________ I'll be there for you When the rain starts to pour I'll be there for you Like I've been there before I'll be there for you 'Cuz you're there for me too...
pus acum 18 ani |
wow!!!! m-ati facut sa rosesc!!!!!!!! va multumesc frumos!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
you desirve it, lil sis ! :*:*:* sa mai schimbati si voi persoana pls
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
Mad and evil friend of Rymali
Din: Shadows of hate and sadnes...
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 291
a inrosit KIARA ...... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! .... good going guys .... heres your 10 buks for saiyng good thinks to her ( gives 10 bucks to all of the people that said good things to her ) .... now you can saiy whatever you want to her ..... MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! ... damn there goes my aloence .... next time LOWER THE PRICE ..... it's expensive to be evil these days .....
( pt cei care nu au inteles gluma ..... i'll put it in lame terms ... me give money to people .... people say good things .... kiara inroseste .... me evil )
Modificat de MaleficMist (acum 18 ani)
_______________________________________ Death is but a gift ... a special gift ofered to us at the END
pus acum 18 ani |
mrrrr!!! eu zic d kiara pt k e surioara mea!! si eu kiar tin la ea!! eu kiar imi iubesc surioara!!! u can keep the money , don't need 'em because I say this things from my bottom of my heart...or maybe...
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1063
kiara e surioara mea si tin ffff mult la ea si e si cea mai buna prietena,e fffff de treaba si intelegatoare...si d'aia ma inteleg ffffff bine cu ea.I LOVE YOU SIS!!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Mad and evil friend of Rymali
Din: Shadows of hate and sadnes...
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 291
just joking ... don't go balistic on me now !!!! .... damn it ... you trie to make a joke and everyone scalps ya ..... damn it ...
_______________________________________ Death is but a gift ... a special gift ofered to us at the END
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: The dark love
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 505
Mie totzi cei d p forum imi sunt fratziori
_______________________________________ My Soul is Darker then my life... life is a misteri that will never be descoverd
LOVE TOKIO HOLEL 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!I love Bill He is a nice boy 2 bad he is gay~LOVE ALLL ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Sapphire Lady's brother!
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 148
kiara......she's my sister and i love her .....MEOW
_______________________________________ Life sucks.....
pus acum 18 ani |
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady
Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Haideti sa schimbam personana...hmmmm..... !Moonshadow!
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
i really like her....nush e asa deosebita...a cool girl...atat pot sa spun..
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
Bloody`s lil sis
Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
e foarte draguta si simpatica, e una dintre cele mai bune prietene ale mele, she's a cool girl
pus acum 18 ani |
Am vb cu ea...da... e kiar ff sweet, sociabila, draguta si ma inteleg cu ea...deshi imi cer scuze dak am suparat'o .. shtie ea cnd
pus acum 18 ani |
Angelic Moderator
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 429
she`s my sis! I love her! dragutza, amuzanta, sociabila si TOTALLY SWEET!
_______________________________________ I`m beautifull, I`m an angel...but behind this...I`m cold, mean, destructive, cinycal, killer, untrustable.....I`m...depressing love...can you free me from the dark in me?
pus acum 18 ani |
Sapphire Lady's brother!
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 148
nu prea am vb cu ea....but orice fata de aici e sweet cool nice .....
_______________________________________ Life sucks.....
pus acum 18 ani |
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady
Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Moonshadow is my bestest friend and my sister,o iubesc muuuult.E o prietena extraordinara,cu bun simt,sociabila,sweet,inteligenta.....MY perfect friend.Sisters forever !
pus acum 18 ani |
Moderator of darkness
Din: Demon world..a cruel place!!
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 385
e..... o suuuuper fata..ma inteleg super bine cu ea..e dragutza simpatika,amabila..si fff..sociabila...e o fata cu care chiar ai ce vb. si nu te pliktisesti never
_______________________________________ i live in darkness...i live in rain..i'm the one who causes all of you're pain... wach you're back every step...cuz i'm a demon in disguise
pus acum 18 ani |
Mad and evil friend of Rymali
Din: Shadows of hate and sadnes...
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 291
i really can't sai anything ... cuz i don't know her very welll ... so i'll just say she's carrying
_______________________________________ Death is but a gift ... a special gift ofered to us at the END
pus acum 18 ani |
Subiectu zilei..KITISHOR una dintre cele mai sweet fete , una dintre cele mai scumpe surioare si ffff dragutza!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Mariko's Adorable Bro
Din: Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2979
super cooooool shy dragutza.....simpatik shy amabila,shy sociabila.......................................i'as da la toate un 10++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
_______________________________________ I'm Hiei!!!The Dark Asassin!!Run for your lives or else Die!!!!!'cause in the Spiritual World I'm a Demon Hunter who kills everything in his way!!!!!!!My demon power can transforme me into a monster.................but when I dye I will be with you in The Demon World!!!!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
aaa!! era sa uit!!! T pup dulce surioara si ai grija d u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: The dark love
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 505
totzi suntetzi fratziorii si surioarele mele inafara d kurama_best ca suntem doar amici
_______________________________________ My Soul is Darker then my life... life is a misteri that will never be descoverd
LOVE TOKIO HOLEL 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!I love Bill He is a nice boy 2 bad he is gay~LOVE ALLL ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
shtii..iti spun cva arle_dan, dar sa nu t superi p mine...nu tre sa evidentiezi faptul acesta...
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: The dark love
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 505
sorry kurama
_______________________________________ My Soul is Darker then my life... life is a misteri that will never be descoverd
LOVE TOKIO HOLEL 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!I love Bill He is a nice boy 2 bad he is gay~LOVE ALLL ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Bloody`s lil sis
Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
ce parereri bune despre mine, m-am facut rosie in obraji si nu e de la febra
pus acum 18 ani |
Mad and evil friend of Rymali
Din: Shadows of hate and sadnes...
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 291
kity is nice .... can't say anything ( you sick ? )
_______________________________________ Death is but a gift ... a special gift ofered to us at the END
pus acum 18 ani |
Bloody`s lil sis
Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
daaaaaaaaa , din pacate pana azi am fost foarte racita
pus acum 18 ani |
Mad and evil friend of Rymali
Din: Shadows of hate and sadnes...
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 291
here have a kitty .... maybe you'll feel better ( )
_______________________________________ Death is but a gift ... a special gift ofered to us at the END
pus acum 18 ani |
Angelic Moderator
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 429
KITISHOR is my newest sister....I love her very much! a reusit sa ajunga la inima mea intr-un timp atat de scurt...I love you sis! ><
_______________________________________ I`m beautifull, I`m an angel...but behind this...I`m cold, mean, destructive, cinycal, killer, untrustable.....I`m...depressing love...can you free me from the dark in me?
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
Mariko's Adorable Bro
Din: Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2979
yap....my brother...........he is verry cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i'as da la toate un 20+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=
_______________________________________ I'm Hiei!!!The Dark Asassin!!Run for your lives or else Die!!!!!'cause in the Spiritual World I'm a Demon Hunter who kills everything in his way!!!!!!!My demon power can transforme me into a monster.................but when I dye I will be with you in The Demon World!!!!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 665
pai sa inteleg ca se vorbeste despre kurama_best... nu am vb cu ea/el nici nu stiu ce sex e deci intelegeti imi plac in schimb av si sig si faptul ca adora ca si mine pe kurama.
_______________________________________ Everthing will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, then it's not the end.
pus acum 18 ani |
Mariko's Adorable Bro
Din: Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2979
e baiat.shy e super d treaba.....e cu mine in clasa@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_______________________________________ I'm Hiei!!!The Dark Asassin!!Run for your lives or else Die!!!!!'cause in the Spiritual World I'm a Demon Hunter who kills everything in his way!!!!!!!My demon power can transforme me into a monster.................but when I dye I will be with you in The Demon World!!!!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 193
asa e!!!nota 10++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++!este cel mai amabil baiat pe care l-am cunoscut!!!....si asa sa ramana
_______________________________________ i have many dreams.....nobody can stop me to make my dreams come true
pus acum 18 ani |
...gosh, i think i'm gonna go down!!! Next victim...Hiei... ..Hiei e un baiat super kre merita tot c e mai bun!!! el mereu m'a ajutat cnd am avut probleme !! mai ales k il shtiu fffffff bine k e cu mine in cls..e un tip kre ishi respecta prietenii ...pot sa zic k merita 100+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 193
eu nu prea il cunosc dar ii dau 10.........mi se pare de treaba oricum
_______________________________________ i have many dreams.....nobody can stop me to make my dreams come true
pus acum 18 ani |
Night angel WebMaster
Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
e de treaba.....insa am observat ca are o obsesie cu datul notel si cu +-urile...oricum e amuzanta faza asta....
i'm just an angel that flies away i'm just lost in the night of your heart it's only pain and hate there...so... i'm just a broken angel...
pus acum 18 ani |
Mariko's Adorable Bro
Din: Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2979
_______________________________________ I'm Hiei!!!The Dark Asassin!!Run for your lives or else Die!!!!!'cause in the Spiritual World I'm a Demon Hunter who kills everything in his way!!!!!!!My demon power can transforme me into a monster.................but when I dye I will be with you in The Demon World!!!!!!!!
pus acum 18 ani |
Rymali's sweet angel
Din: Haven
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 860
dap....din cate am vazut pe forum e un baiat super simtit....plus ca imi place de el in poza pe care a pus-o pe site....e simpatik =D
_______________________________________ Can you feel it?Can you feel the worm brathing on your neck...going up to your smooth lips that cry four my kiss.....your silk lips that I bless with a kiss of an angel.....then feel it for the last time cause I am not a pure angel any more...Your indiference killed me...now I am an warior angel.....don`t stay in my way.....
pus acum 18 ani |
Angelic Moderator
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 429
hiei e unul dintre cei mai de treaba useri d p forum...)
_______________________________________ I`m beautifull, I`m an angel...but behind this...I`m cold, mean, destructive, cinycal, killer, untrustable.....I`m...depressing love...can you free me from the dark in me?
pus acum 18 ani |