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Dark Anime / Fan Fiction / scarry stories... Moderat de Bloody_Angel, Mariko21, Poison Ruby, Pungasha, ancutza_vampiroaica
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Hai sa ne speriem putin!!!

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
sa incep eu
(din lipsa de idei voi folosi numele meu ) Rymali statea impreuna cu Kai. Acesta ii spune:
- Rymali, niciodata nu am stiut trecutul tau...si as fi curios sa aflu ce s-a intamplat cu tine...
- Nu e nevoie sa stii...
- De ce nu vrei sa imi spui? Rymali, ce s-a intamplat?
Ea incepe sa planga si pleaca de langa Kai
- Te rog, spune
- Nu mai insista ...spune Rymali printre lacrimi, nu te intreseaza!
Rymali cade langa un copac plangand rau. Kai se apropie de ea si reuseste sa o faca sa ii spuna trecutul ei.
- Eu nu am fost niciodata asa cum ma vezi tu, spune ea. Trecutul meu e ingrozitor.
- Nu conteaza. Spune!
- Te rog sa nu ma urasti pentru ce iti voi spune. Totul e cam asa. De cand am fost mica eu nu am stiut ce e dragostea. Parintii in loc sa ma iubeasca ma jigneau. Toti radeau de mine. Intr-o zi parintii mei s-au gandit sa ma dea la un curs unde sa invat sa ma apar. Acolo senseiul a vrut sa vada daca ma descurc si mi-a dat o sabie si apoi m-a atacat insa eu cum eram mica am scapat sabia din mana si am inceput sa plang. Senseiul a inceput sa strige la mine: " Esti inutila, proasta..nu inteleg de ce esti aici." Eu auzind acestea m-am infuriat foarte tare iar ochii mei au devenit rosii. Am luat sabia si am strans-o tare in mana si am dat cu toata forta in sensei taindu-i mana. Apoi ca lovitura finala i-am infipt sabia in gat, omorandu-l. Toti s-au uitat la mine insa eu am inceput sa plang tare si am fugit spre casa cu sabi in mana. Acasa parintii mei au inceput sa ma jigneasca auzind ce am facut:" Esti ingrozitoare, copila imbecila! Cum se poate ca tu sa fii fica noastra? Proasto!!!". Eu plangand am tipat:"NU SUNT PROASTA" si i-am atacat pe toti omorandu-i. Cand a venit politia eu eram jos cu sabia langa mine plina de sange si plangand tare. Polististii nu au stiut ce s-a intamplat asa ca eu am scapat. Apoi cu timpul la scoala m-am imprietenit cu un baiat, Yuuji, care cu timpul a devenit iubitul meu. Tineam foarte mult la el si mereu ream impreuna. Insa intr-o zi in timp ce il cautam l-am gasit vorbind cu o fata:"Yuuji, haide, nu-ti fie teama...Nu o sa stie nimic prietena ta si doar stii ca tin la tine!".Dupa ce i-a spus acestea l-a sarutat desi Yuuji nu a vrut. M-am infuriat rau si l-am strigat pe Yuuji. Dupa aceea plina de furie si plangand rau i-am bagat sabia in burta ei si apoi i-am taiat gatul. Yuuji ingrozit s-a retras incercand sa ma faca sa il iert insa eram prea furioasa si nu l-am iertat si l-am omorat bagandu-i sabia in gat. Dupa care am inceput sa ii tai trupul neinsufletit. Apoi am cazut langa el plangand rau si parandu-mi rau de ceea ce am facut. Intr-o zi am fost in parc tot cu sabia. Am vazut niste fete si le-am spus:"Jucati-va cu mine" insa ele au inceput sa spun"Ah! Pleaca de langa mine! Esti o ciudata!"Eu m-am infuriat auzind ce mi-au zis si am spus pentru ultima data plina de nervi:"JUCATI-VA CU MINE SAU MURITI!!" si am inceput sa le omor fara sa imi para rau. De atunci am fugit din oras si am ajuns aici.
Yuuji uimit:
- Wow, nu as fi crezut niciodata...ca tu..esti astfel....
- Asta e....
- Stiu ca s-ar putea sa platesc pentru ceea ce voi face...spune Yuuji sarutand-o.
Dupa asta ea priveste uimita si scoate sabia din teaca. Yuuji pleaca usor capul crezand ca Rymali vrea sa il ucida. Insa ea arunca sabia si se indreapta spre prapastie. Plangand se pregateste sa se arunce insa Yuuji o prinde de mana si ii spune privind-o in ochi:"Daca te omori bin dupa tine!". Rymali isi imagina ca ii ia sabia din mana lui Yuuji si il impinge dupa care isi baga sabia in spate si cade in prapastie rostind ca ii pare rau si ca Yuuji cand vroia sa o salveze ii prinde sabia si si-o baga in gat si cade spre ea. Incercand ea sa faca asta Yuuji o prinde de maini si o priveste in timp ce ea plange si vrea sa scape. O cuprinde apoi cu mainile si o strange in brate.


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: from the lost world of angel
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 236
frumoasa poveste,


pus acum 18 ani

Din: BUCHArest
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 94
da, mie unul imi place...contynua..

tinetzy cu steaua in contynuareeee....nu uytatzy, nu va tradatzy niciodata pryetenii...pryetenii cei mai buuunyyy

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 40
da..e frumoasa ...keep the good workkkk

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
astept si scrierile voastre


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1063
wowwwwwwww ce super a fost sper sa mai pui ai mult talent,e super super super

pus acum 18 ani
Dark Crow
Dark Avenger

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 520
nu stiu cat de scarry e dar hai sa vedem, aproppo e cam lunga

The Zombie’s Curse

The horrible curse of the zombie of the great master of robbery.

A long time ago, in a faraway town in France there lived a master of thievery called Antonio de Marco. His father, Italian, a great robber who left his skill as an inheritance to his son before being captured.
When the son grew up he became a master of disguise and the most famous robber in France. He robbed ladies, duchesses, baronesses always during a big ball. But one day he decided that he should pull off his biggest heist ever: he would rob the Queen.
Everything went according to plan, he snuck in, at a big ball, danced a lot avoiding attention and to much conversation until it was starting to end, knowing that the queen always left at twelve o’clock he made sure that he would be in her room at five minutes to twelve. Unfortunately the king knew that Antonio wouldn’t resist coming he set a trap. Five of his best guards were hided in the queen’s room before the ball started to grab him when he entered. And so Antonio came at five minutes to twelve and was surprised by the guards. He managed to escape from the trap but the castle was surrounded by guards as a second plan in case the first failed. With two guns he grabbed from the guards in the queen’s room he shot seven guards before receiving thirteen bullets in the chest, one of them shot by the king. After falling they all approached him and Antonio called for the king, when he came close Antonio cursed him saying : ,, One day I shall rise from the grave, the night the day the one who shall wear your name shall wear your title and I will kill him the night of the ceremony as to keep him from enjoying it, five minutes before twelve o’clock’’ with these last words Antonio de Marco died.
Three hundred years after this event, the present prince was a day from his coronation. He was young, naive but well trained to be a king. As night drew near, the royal councilor ordered five of the royal guards to be constantly with the prince, five guards placed at the grave of Antonio de Marco and a few underneath his window.
The young prince knew of the events that happened three hundred years ago but considered his councilor, as the guards, to be to superstitious and ordered his guards to stay outside his room. That night, because of the storm the guards in the cemetery took shelter under a tree. Then, at half past eleven, the ground above Antonio’s grave started shaking and, from under the ground, a horrible figure crawled out and walked out of the cemetery because the guards fell asleep. At ten minutes to twelve one of guards woke up at the sound of a lightning and, seeing the grave, ran back to the castle. During this time the zombie of Antonio already got to the castle, under the prince’s window, and stared to climb up the wall leaving the guards placed at the window lying dead in the mud. When it got the window at the same time when the lightning struck. Meanwhile the guards from the cemetery reached the castle and warned the councilor of what had happened: ,, What have you done?’’, screamed the councilor, ,,Guards! Quickly, to the prince’s room! ’’. But when they got there the prince was dead and a horrible figure was crawling towards the window. ,, Kill him! ‘’. The guards shot him over and over again but it kept going until it jumped out. Before he got too, far the guards had him surrounded but he killed seven of them before being torn apart. After the guards were finished with him the councilor approached and the pieces of the body started glowing and the ghost of the Antonio de Marco three hundred years ago took form ,, My revenge has been taken as I said, let this be a warning, I shall return and retake my vengeances on any one of his heirs ‘’ and with these words it vanished and the councilor and the guards left through the storm.

I am deeper than fear, I am worse than a nightmare, I am more than an obssesion, I am darker than night, behold me and tremble, for I am Dark Crow!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1063
super poveste dark crow......am copiat-o si eu in calc....mai dar avem la talente pe acest forum ...sa mai puneti

pus acum 18 ani
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