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Dark Anime / Muzica / Versurile favorite Moderat de Bloody_Angel, Mariko21, Poison Ruby, Pungasha, ancutza_vampiroaica
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Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Postati aici versurile de la melodiile care va plac cel mai mult


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 665
Am o gramada de versuri favorite de la o gramada de melodii... nu pot face diferentiere de preferinta intre ele...

Everthing will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, then it's not the end.

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
dar totusi pune o sa incep eu
David Usher - Black black heart

Something ugly this way comes
Through my fingers sliding inside
All these blessings all these burns
I'm godless underneath your cover
Search for pleasure search for pain
In this world now I am undying
I unfurl my flag my nation helpless

Black black heart why would you offer more
Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy
I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core
I'm eating all your kings and queens
All your sex and your diamonds

As I begin to lose my grip
On these realities your sending
Taste your mind and taste your sex
I'm naked underneath your cover
Covers lie and we will bend and borrow
With the coming sign
The tide will take the sea will rise and time will rape

Black black heart why would you offer more
Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy
I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core
I'm eating all your kings and queens
All your sex and your diamonds

Black black heart why would you offer more
Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy
I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core
I'm eating all your kings and queens
All your sex and your diamonds
All your sex and your diamonds
All your sex and your diamonds
All your sex and your diamonds
All your sex and your diamonds


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 81
versurile de la linkin prak-in the end
nu le mai scriu ca le stit cu totii

If you want to kill me , hate me ,detest me ,and survive in an unsightly way . Run , Run and cling up to life , BECAUSE THE D3MON IS IN ME and you don't have any chance

pus acum 18 ani

There's a hero If you look inside your heart You don't have to be afraid Of what you are There's an answer If you reach into your soul And the sorrow that you know Will melt away

And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

It's a long road When you face the world alone No one reaches out a hand For you to hold You can find love If you search within yourself And the emptiness you felt Will disappear

And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

Lord knows Dreams are hard to follow But don't let anyone Tear them away Hold on There will be tomorrow In time You'll find the way

And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

these are my favs...

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Evanescence - Missing

Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
Maybe someday you'll have woke up,
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
"Isn't something missing?"

You won't cry for my absence, I know -
You forgot me long ago.
Am I that unimportant...?
Am I so insignificant...?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?

Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't someone missing me?

Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
I know what you do to yourself,
I breathe deep and cry out:
"Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?"

And if I bleed, I'll bleed,
Knowing you don't care.
And if I sleep just to dream of you
And wake without you there,
Isn't something missing?
Isn't something...


versurile favorite please forgive me,but won't home someday you'll have woke up,and, barely Night angel WebMaster



i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Da si mie imi place melodia asta SUPER mult!

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 665
ok... atunci uitati...
DJ.Tiesto& Delerium-innocente
falling in love
falling in love
Darling when did we fall? When was it over?
Darling when? When did we fall? When was it over?
falling in love
falling in love
Darling when? When did you cry? I couldn't hear you
I suppose it is the price of falling in love
falling in love
falling in love
Darling when did we fall? When was it over?
Darling when? When did we fall? When was it over?
I suppose it is the price of falling in love
I fear that it's the price of falling ïn love.(4x)

Everthing will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, then it's not the end.

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 57
1. Eminem - When i`m gone
And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain
Just smile back

2.Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff

Its just one of those days,
Where you don't want to wake up.
Everything is fucked,
Everybody sucks.
You don't really know why,
But you wanna justify,
Rippin someone's head off.
No human contact,
and if you interact,
your life is on contract.
Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker,
It's just one of those days

It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit,
I think you better quit, let the shit slip
Or youll be leaving with a fat lip.
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit,
I think you better quit, talking that shit.

Its just one of those days
Feeling like a freight train.
First one to complain,
Leaves with a bloodstain.
Damn right I'm a maniac,
You better watch your back,
Cause I'm fucking up your program.
And then your stuck up,
You just lucked up,
Next in line to get fucked up.
Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker,
It's just one of those days

It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit,
I think you better quit, let the shit slip
Or youll be leaving with a fat lip.
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit,
I think you better quit, talking that shit.
Ohh, so come and get it.

I feel like shit,
My suggestion..is to keep your distance.
Cause right now im dangerous.
We've all felt like shit,
And been treated like shit.
All those motherfuckers,
That wanna step up,
I hope you know, I pack a chainsaw.
I'll skin your ass raw,
And if my day keeps going this way, I just might
Break something tonight

I pack a chainsaw.
I'll skin your ass raw,
And if my day keeps going this way, I just might
Break something tonight
I pack a chainsaw.
I'll skin your ass raw,
And if my day keeps going this way, I just might
Break your fucking face tonight.

Give me something to break.
Give me something to break.
Just give me something to break.
How 'bout your fucking face?!?

I hope you know, I pack a chainsaw.
A chainsaw
A motherfucking chainsaw.

So come and get it.

It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit,
I think you better quit, let the shit slip
Or youll be leaving with a fat lip.
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit,
I think you better quit, talking that shit.
Ohh, so come and get it

kP@ !

pus acum 18 ani
Blood-thirsty Administrator

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 793
hmm ar fi niste versuri:
"dont think ywice before you listen to your heart"....eh sa vad cine isi da seama despre ce vb. da stiu este numai un vers micutz dar este de la una din melodiile dupe care sunt innebunit!

You are more then welcomed to try.....!
Come on I dare you...come on i wont fu***ng rip your head off.
I'm as sweet and as nice as they come!

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
sa ii ajut eu squall

Enigma - Gravity of love

Turn around and smell what you don't see
Close your eyes ... it is so clear
Here's the mirror, behind there is a screen
On both ways you can get in

Don't think twice before you listen to your heart
Follow the trace for a new start

What you need and everything you'll feel
Is just a question of the deal
In the eye of storm you'll see a lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love

The path of excess leads to
The tower of Wisdom
The path of excess leads to
The tower of Wisdom

Try to think about it ...
That's the chance to live your life and discover
What it is, what's the gravity of love

Look around just people, can you hear their voice
Find the one who'll guide you to the limits of your choice

But if you're in the eye of storm
Just think of the lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love.


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
inca 3 melodii
Veritasaga - Povesti triste

In, ochii ei te uiti mereu desi nu vezi cat ii este in fiecare zi de greu,
Dar ea lupta, micuta si corupta, inca de acum, copilaria ei este scrum,
Iar mama e doar un concept pierdut in fum...
Tatal: e frica de zi de zi, ce-i umple mica imparatie,
De aceea se tot uita spre cer si intreaba:
"Oare cu ce ti-am gresit eu tie?"
Desi vie...ea a uitat de mult cum e la joaca,
Cand cunosti doar durerea oare ce sa-ti mai placa,
Si aude in fiecare seara aceeasi placa obsesiva,
Aceeasi discutie ce deriva, in acte sadice ...
Daca te uiti bine ai zice, ca a trait deja doua vieti,
Doar un moment in pielea ei, ar fi de ajuns sa ingheti...
Definitiv, si sa regreti ca traiesti aceasta...
Nu-i trai... si ea spera inca in rai,
Intr-un loc unde sa ai, de unde s-o iei de la capat,
Dar vai: iar vine clipa... e tarziu, si el revine acasa,
Banii s-au dus, frigideru e gol iar pe masa:
Doar sticle goale, iar el spune ca sparge si rupe tot in cale,
Si e trist... toate necazurile tale sunt nimic fata de ce simte
In ce sa mai crezi daca nu poti sa crezi in propriul parinte?
Si vad...
Inca o pasare isi pierde avantul,
Si vad...
Inca,... un sacrificiu uda pamantul,
Si vad...
Inca un suflet distrus, oprit...
Si vad...
Inca o speranta a murit,
Si vad...
Inca un demon prinde puteri...
Si vad...
Inca un inger vrea sa uite de el...
Si vad...
Inca o zi de maine distrusa...
Si vad...
Inca o pedeapsa neaplicata...
Si vad...
Inca o lupta dusa...
Si vad...
Inca o lupta castigata...
Si vad...
Inca o pata...
Si vad...
Inca o actiune uitata...
Si vad...

Refren (4X):
Povesti triste...
Fac oameni nepasatori sa insiste...
In propria nepasare...
Si victimele cine le ajuta oare?
[Si victimele cine le ajuta oare?]

Povesti triste...
Am intalnit-o intr-o seara in metrou,
Si m-a facut sa simt un fior,
O fetita singura intr-o lume nesigura si fara nici un erou,
Am intrebat-o ce-i cu ea,
Si m-a privit in ochi cu bagare de seama,
Incercand sa-si dea seama ce-nseamna, intrebarea mea,
Si daca nu cumva, ar fi mai bine sa nu raspunda la ea...
Si s-a oprit din a aluneca, stergandu-si lacrimile cu maneca,
Spunandu-mi ca n-are nimic,
De parca n-aveam dreptul sa-i stiu suferinta...
Mi-a spus ca e doar suparata un pic.
Dar albastrul din ochii ei mi-a picurat in suflet si m-a facut sa ma simt mic...
(Si atunci am inteles ca o doare)
M-am asezat langa ea si-am intrebat-o unde vrea sa coboare,
Dar m-a privit fara sa spuna ceva...
Iar eu as fi vrut sa-i spun:
"Fetitzo, daca tu ai fi fost Eva, am trai si acum intr-o lume pura"
Iar in loc i-am spus "N-ar trebui sa vii acasa?", si m-a privit cu ura...
Am inteles ca lucrurile nu sunt cum ar trebui sa fie
Tocmai acolo unde sufletul ar trebui sa stie, ce-i linistea...
Dar in mintea ei in locul unui camin cald era doar o casa pustie,
Iar culoarea copilariei era cenusie...
Tinea in mana poza unui om in varsta si era gata s-o sfasie,
Sperand ca o data cu ea o sa distruga si acea fasie...
Din viatza ei, care o face sa-si doreasca sa nu se fi nascut,
Iar lacrimile ei ardeau mult prea mult,
Mai mult decat puteam eu sa indur,
Si ma zdruncina urletul ei tacut...
Iar atunci cand am plecat
Mi-am dorit doar sa pot s-o las fara trecut,
Si as salva-o...
As cumpara o aripa de inger...
Si as elibera-o...

Refren (4X):
Povesti triste...
Fac oameni nepasatori sa insiste...
In propria nepasare...
Si victimele cine le ajuta oare?
[Si victimele cine le ajuta oare?]

Povesti triste...
Vieti [...],
Pierd mereu si dispar...
Nu inteleg ce sa fac ..
Ca sa par ca imi pasa si parca,
Daca vreau sa te-ajut, nu-mi permiti...
Si vrea sa privesti in sus, dar eziti...
Vieti [in etern],
Mereu dispar ...
Nu inteleg ce sa fac ca sa par ca...
Imi pasa, si parca,
Daca vreau sa te-ajut, nu-mi permiti...
As vrea sa privesti si tu in sus, dar eziti
Vieti [in etern],
Sa pierd mereu...
As vrea sa te-ajut...
Nu ma lasi...
Mi-e greu...

Veritasaga - Sentiment inselator

[Intro de pe placa]
"O aud de la mari departari si glasul ei ma tulbura... ii vad chipul si chipul ei ma stapaneste.Am sa-mi incerc norocul sa ajung pana la ea. Nu ma tem de moarte ! Nu ma tem de nimic !
Vreau numai sa fiu fericit !"

[Strofa I - Veritasaga]
Haha... Yah... Atunci cand e vorba de fete ... avem mereu un sentiment inselator Yah !
Tot ce vreau de la tine e sa crezi in visele mele
Caci eu cu siguranta visez ca tu crezi in ele
Creez in ele fantezii pe care le traiesc din plin
Si stiu ca ma voi trezi zambind a doua zi
Si chiar daca ai sa-mi rupi inima in mii de bucatele
Si cea mai mica dintre ele poate oferi dragoste cat sa umple cerul cu stele
Indiferent de cate ori o sa-ti incalci juramantul
Daca vreodata ai sa cazi voi fi acolo
Sa ma asigur ca n-o sa atingi pamantul
Stiu, asa esti tu esti schimbatoare ca vantul
Dar nu conteaza, nu o sa renunt la tine
Prea multi cedeaza in cautarea perechilor
Prea multi imi spun ca orice barca esueaza in Marea Iubirii
Dar eu n-am sa consider inima inamicul gandirii
Ca sunt satul de jocuri
Nu mai vreau sa vad focuri stinse de orgolii prostesti
Si topuri de genul "Cine cui i-a dat papucii"
Cu prea multi pretendenti la primele locuri

[De pe placa]
"Am sa te-astept... am sa te-astept atat... E aprinsa si iubirea mea... cu tine ! Ca pana vii sa-mi tina de urat..."
[Refren Veritasaga]
Nu te mai vreau, nu te mai cred
Sa te iubesc din nou ar insemna sa lupt si sa pierd
Unele lucruri nu le poti simti de doua ori
Ori mergi inainte... Ori mori...

Nu te mai vreau... Nu te mai cred...[Nu te mai cred...]
Sa te iubesc din nou... ar insemna sa lupt si sa pierd

[Strofa II - Veritasaga]
Cand te-am cunoscut mi-am zis "gata las totul de-o parte"
Mergem amandoi departe si uitam de restul
Si ne-am iubit destul (CRED)
Acum imi vine sa ma reped in trecut
Te-am avut si ne-am simtit la Sud... de Rai
Totusi parca vroiai sa pleci mai repede
"Mai stai" ii spuneam, "Hai increde-te"
In mine-n timp, am vazut totul suspin in privirea ta
Si incercam sa nu observ ce se ascunde dincolo de ea
Credeam ca trece insa tot ce trecea era pasiunea
Si poate actiunea s-ar fi desfasurat altfel
Daca as fi avut bani destui
Ar fi inceput sa-ti placa ideea de a fi un cuplu
Acum cand te vad parca umplu... un gol
La nord sau la sud alege un coltz
Si tot ce era cald acum e rece
Ma tot scald intr-o pasiune ce nu mai trece
Si [suparat], cand ai plecat mi-ai zis "Nu ma uita..."
Dar am uitat, Mirosul tau, Vocea ta
Tot ce-a ramas e o imagine a noastra pe o banca intr-un parc undeva
Iar cu piesa asta te sterg de tot din arhiva
Ramai cateva versuri pe-o foaie
Si-o frunza vioaie-n deriva dusa de vand
Am spus tot
Promit sa nu te mai cant

[Refren Veritasaga]
Nu te mai vreau, nu te mai cred
Sa te iubesc din nou ar insemna sa lupt si sa pierd
Unele lucruri nu le poti simti de doua ori
Ori mergi inainte... Ori mori...

Nu te mai vreau... Nu te mai cred...[Nu te mai cred...]
Sa te iubesc din nou... ar insemna sa lupt si sa pierd

[Strofa III - CenzuraH]
Plutesc intr-un vis din care trebuie sa ma trezesc
Am primit un mesaj, Trebuie neaparat sa-l citesc
Este de la o fosta iubita ce-mi scrie ca-i lipsesc
As vrea sa ii raspund la fel dar... ma opresc
Nu mai vreau sa fim din nou impreuna
Ma feresc sa-i mai spun cuvinte dulci
La ureche sa-i soptesc cat o doresc
Abia incepusem sa ma linistesc
Dar m-a facut din nou la ea sa ma gandesc
Incep sa imi revin caci totu-i trecator
Iar, la ea, n-a fost decat un sentiment copilaresc
Ce rost are, ia zi, sa ma intorc din nou in bratele tale
Chiar daca te mai plac cu tine nu ma mai impac
Mai bine ramanem doar cu amintirea
Cu acele zile cand imi citeai gandurile cu privirea
Cu noptile sub luna
Cu dragostea ce s-a aprins in prima zi in care ti-am spus "Buna!"
Si ramanem cu clipele in care eram nedespartiti
Cine ne vedea pe strada isi dadea seama ca eram foarte indragostiti
Dar lucrurile s-au complicat si-ncepusem sa ne iesim din minti
Si finalul nostru a inceput cu tine incepand sa minti

[Veritasaga] (Nu nu nu nu nu) Nu te mai vreau... Nu te mai cred... (Nu te mai cred...)

Ombladon - Daca pozele ar vorbi

Dimineata ma trezesc, nu pot sa zambesc
Intr-o oglinda veche, sparta in care ma privesc
Totu-i jegos, stau pe pat, afara e-nnorat, detest
Tot ce am in jur, sunt incordat, Viata-i un test
Ies grabit din casa, iar in gura liftului
Dau cu picioru'cainelui din scara blocului.
Da sa ma muste, ma feresc, ma gandesc
La multe intrebari puse in fata oglinzii, nefiresc.
Copiii viseaza ca si noi cand
Stateam la colt, la unt, cu pantalonii rupti in fund, sperand,
Da' mai bine visam,
Oricum, n-avem nici jumatate din ce ne doream.
Anii trec, anii repede trec
Si-au ramas tot mai putini cei care te-nteleg.
Te tarasti cu greu prin viata, zilele le numeri si zbieri
Ca timpu' trece greu atunci cand suferi.

Daca pozele ar vorbi,
Amintirile ar fi vii,
Am stii iar ce gandeam cand eram copii,
Probabil poza ta din rama ti-ar sopti:
"Stii, nu esti ce-mi doream sa fii."

Alergam prin lume, plini de spume
Nu ne arde nici de glume,
Cand vine vorba de zilele bune.
Deja s-au dus la dracu sperantele, grijile,
Ne naruiesc incet visele.
Unu-si face temele, unu-si sparge venele,
Unu' numara lovelele, altu' belelele. Toate problemele
Puse cap la cap, de fapt
In nici un cap de om oricat ar fi de apt nu incap.
Nu-ti place sa stai la mana altora, nici mie,
Te-ai saturat sa scrii CV-uri si totusi mana scrie.
Ca n-o sa mearga nici acum esti convins.
Incearca sa nu uiti cand erai copil ce ti-ai promis.

Inima se rupe, iti plange sufletu',
Acum doar in poze iti mai vezi zambetu'.
Ai albit, esti mefericit, falit,
Te uiti la poza-n care ai remarcat primul rid.
Greselile pe care le-ai facut in viata
Te costa fara riposta,
Traiesti o viata anosta.


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Blood-thirsty Administrator

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 793
aoleuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Da rymali stiu de la ce melodie era..!
Oricum ms ca ai completat! Pupici!

You are more then welcomed to try.....!
Come on I dare you...come on i wont fu***ng rip your head off.
I'm as sweet and as nice as they come!

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
da stiu ca sunt o draguta...nu e nevoie sa o repeti
si ca sa nu pun degeaba postul asta

Placebo - Centrefolds

Come on Balthazaa I refuse to let you die
Come on fallen star I refuse to let you die
Cos that's wrong and I've been waiting far too long
It's wrong I've been waiting far too long
For you to be..be me..be..be mine
For you to be mine..be mine..for you to be mine
And it's wrong, I've been waiting far too long
It's wrong, I've been waiting far too long
For you to be..be me..be

All the centrefolds that you can't afford
Have long since waved their last goodbyes
All the centrefolds that you can't afford
You've long since faded from their eyes
So be..be mine

Placebo - My sweet prince

Never thought you'd make me perspire
Never thought I'd do you the same
Never thought I'd fill with desire
Never thought I'd feel so ashamed

Me and the dragon can chase all the pain away
So before I end my day  remember
My sweet prince  you are the one
My sweet prince
You are the one

Never thought I'd have to retire
Never thought I'd have to abstain
Never thought all this could back fire
Close up the hole in my vain

Me and my valuable friend
Can fix all the pain away
So before I end my day, remember
My sweet prince
You are the one
My sweet prince
You are the one
You are the one
You are the one
You are the one
You are the one

Never thought I'd get any higher
Never thought you'd fuck with my brain
Never thought all this could expire
Never thought you'd go break the chain

Me and you baby
Still flush all the pain away
So before I end my day, remember
My sweet prince
You are the one
My sweet prince
You are the one
You are the one
You are the one
You are the one
You are the one
You are the one
You are the one
You are the one
You are the one
My sweet prince
My sweet prince


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Blood-thirsty Administrator

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 793
moamaaaa mai da tu chiar tii minte versurile??? Eu unul nu prea reusesc! Hi hi hi acuma sunt in perioada ff...deci tot ce tine de ff ascult!

versurile favorite moamaaaa mai chiar tii minte unul prea reusesc! acuma sunt perioada ff...deci tot


You are more then welcomed to try.....!
Come on I dare you...come on i wont fu***ng rip your head off.
I'm as sweet and as nice as they come!

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Sa-mi spuneti dak va plac versurile,sunt super dupa parerea mea

Artist: Martina McBride Lyrics
Song: Concrete Angel Lyrics

She walks to school with a lunch she packed
Nobody knows what she's holding back;
Wearing the same dress she wore yesterday,
She hides the bruises with the linen and lace;

The teacher wonders but she doesn't ask,
It's hard to see the pain behind the mask;
Bearing the burdon of a secret storm,
Sometimes she wishes she was never born;

Through the wind and the rain,
She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above;
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.

Concrete Angel

Somebody cries in the middle of the night,
The neighbors hear but they turn out the lights;
A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate,
When morning comes it will be too late.

Through the wind and the rain,
She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above;
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.

Concrete Angel

A statue stands in a shaded place,
An angel girl with an upturned face;
Her name is written on a polished rock,
A broken heart that the world forgot.

Through the wind and the rain,
She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above;
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.

Concrete Angel


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009

squall a scris:

moamaaaa mai da tu chiar tii minte versurile??? Eu unul nu prea reusesc! Hi hi hi acuma sunt in perioada ff...deci tot ce tine de ff ascult!

pe majoritatea le tin minte...pe cele pe care nu reusesc ma mai inspir


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
3 doors down - away from the sun (ma dispera melodia asta )

It's down to this
I've got to make this life make sense
Can anyone tell what I've done
I miss the life
I miss the colors of the world
Can anyone tell where I am

Cause now again I found myself so far down
Away from the sun that shines into the darkest place
I'm so far down away from the sun again
Away from the sun again

I'm over this
I'm tired of living in the dark
Can anyone see me down here
The feeling's gone
There's nothing left to lift me up
Back into the world I know

Cause now again I found myself so far down
Away from the sun that shines into the darkest place
I'm so far down away from the sun
That shines to light the way for me
To find my way back into the arms
that care about the ones like me
I'm so far down away from the sun again
Oh no yeah

It's down to this
I've got to make this life make sense
Now I can't tell what I've done
Now again I found myself away from the sun
That shines to light the way for me

Cause now again I found myself so far down
Away from the sun that shines into the darkest place
I'm so far down away from the sun
That shines to light the way for me
To find my way back into the arms
that care about the ones like me
I'm so far down away from the sun again
Oh no yeah I'm gone

Enya - Exile

Cold as the northern winds,
in December mornings,
cold is the cry that rings,
from this far distant shore.

Winter has come too late,
too close beside me.
How can I chase away,
all these tears deep inside.

I 'll wait, the sgns to come.
I'll find a way.
I will wait, the time to come.
I'll find a way home.

My light shall be the moon,
And my path - the ocean.
My guide the morning star
As I sail home to you.

I'll wait, the signs to come.
I'll find a way.
I will wait, the time to come.
I'll find a way home.

Who then, can warm my soul?
Who can quell my passion?
out of these dreams - a boat,
I will sail home to you.


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Unforgetable Moderator

Din: Your Wildest Dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1275
k tot mi-am amintit de Placebo 2night, hai sa postez versurile lor. Este vb de "Special Needs", melodie cu clip genial si care imi da senzatia de high

Remember me when you’re the one who’s silver screen
Remember me when you’re the one you always dreamed
Remember me when everyone’s noses start to bleed
Remember me, special needs

Just 19 and sucker’s dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour

Remember me when you clinch your movie deal
And think of me stuck in my chair that has four wheels
Remember me through flash photography and screams
Remember me, special dreams

Just 19 this sucker’s dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Just 19 and sucker’s dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour

Remember me...

Just 19 this sucker’s dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Just 19 and sucker’s dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour

Remember me...


War isn't about who is right, it's about who is left...

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
huh...i just adore placebo
Dana - Am nimic fara tine (m-am dat pe mel triste...i'm a lil sad 2night )

E un pic ciudat cum poate
Cineva s`alunge toate
Ploile ce`au curs intr`una in viata ta.
E un pic ciudat cum oare
O secunda fara el te doare
Si ajunge sa te`atinga sa poti zbura.

refren: Am nimic fara tine
Si tot ce`i mai frumos in viata mea
E doar din vina ta...
Am nimic fara tine
Si tot ce`i mai frumos in viata mea
E doar din vina ta...

E un pic ciudat cum oare
Fara el ziua n`are culoare
Si`ntr`o clipa cu un zambet schimba viata ta.
E un pic ciudat cum poate
Cineva sa schimbe o noapte
Doar in brate sa te tina si poti visa.

refren: ......

Fara tine doar furtuni adun
Nori de lacrimi fac din flacari scrum
Si`ti spun
Am nimic fara tine...

refren: .......

Am nimic fara tïne....

si desi cred ca o sa vi se para ciudat Ileana Sararoiu - Unde e Targovistea? (cred ca e singura mel populara care imi place rau...e superba)

O batrana intr-o gara
A-ntalnit o fetisoara
-Maicuta te-as intreba
Unde e Targovistea?
Fetito, fetita mea
Ca nu stiu sunt straioara
Sunt venita de la tara
Fetito, fetita mea!

C-am primit si eu scrisoare
De la baiatu-al mai mare
A plecat de langa mine
S-a-nsurat si-i este bine
Fetito, fetita mea
Si-ala mic m-asteapta-n gara
Ca ma stie bolnavioara
Fetito, fetita mea

Nu stiu ce o fi patit
De baiatul n-a venit
Poate drumu-am ratacit
Poate drumu-am ratacit
Fetito, fetita mea
Ca nu vad pe nimenea
Vai de inimioara mea
Fetito, fetita mea

Si fata s-a aplecat
Si mana i-a sarutat
- Nu mai plange maica mea
Ca eu iti sunt nora ta
Fetito, fetita mea
Te-asteptam sa vii cu noi
Mama pentru amandoi
Maicuta, maïcuta mea


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
I'm a b***h,I'm a lover
I hate the world today
You're so good to me
I know but I can't change
tried to tell you but you look at me like maybe I'm an angel
innocent and sweet
Yesterday I cried
You must have been relieved to see the softer side
I can understand how you'd be so confused
I don't envy you
I'm a little bit of everything
all rolled into one

I'm a b***h, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your health, I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way

So take me as I am
This may mean you'll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that when I start to make you nervous
and I'm going to extremes
tomorrow I will change
and today won't mean a thing


Just when you think you've got me figured out
the season's already changing
I think it's cool you do what you do
and don't try to save me


I'm a b***h, I'm a tease
I'm a goddess on my knees
when you hurt, when you suffer
I'm your angel undercover
I've been numbed, I'm revived
can't say I'm not alive
You know I wouldn't want it any other way


pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1063
Ikutsu namida o nagashitara
every heart
sunao ni nareru darou
Dare ni omoi tsutaetara
every heart
kokoro mita sareru no darou

nagai nagai yoru ni obieteita
Tooi hoshi ni inotteta

meguru meguru toki no naka de
Bokutachi wa ai o sagashiteiru
Tsuyoku tsuyoku naritai kara
kyou mo takaisora miageteiru

donna egao ni deaetara
every heart
yume wo fumidasereruyo
kanashimi no mukou ni
every heart
shiawase ukabete nemuru

itsuka itsuka subete no tamashii ga
yasuraka ni nareru youni

meguru meguru toki no naka de
boku tachi wa ikite nanika wo shiru
toki ni warai shugoshi naite
kyou mo mada aruki tsuzukete iku

osanai kioku no kata sumi ni
atatakai basho ga aru soushi
hoshi tachi ga hanasu mirai ga
itsumo kagayaite ita
so shine

meguru meguru toki no naka de
Bokutachi wa ai o sagashiteiru
Tsuyoku tsuyoku naritai kara
kyou mo takaisora miageteiru

meguru meguru toki no naka de
boku tachi wa ikite nanika wo shiru
toki ni warai shugoshi naite
kyou mo mada aruki tsuzukete iku

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Conexiuni - Tu

I. Tu, esti in globul de cristal
   Ce-mi arata drumul catre mal
   Cand ma pierd in lumea ta, si-as vrea
   Sa inving tristetea grea
II.Tu, nevazuta dar te simt
   Te ignor dar nu pot sa ma mint
   Esti in ceea ce respir, esti tu
   Firul ce ma leaga de miracolul din zori
   Cand din vis usor cobori, in tot ce ating in jurul meu
   Chipul tau il vad mereu, in gand
   Esti orice, oricum, oricand
III.Tu, asteptarea din amurg
    Cand secundele incet se scurg
    Cu atingeri moi de catifea
    Alintate-n mana ta
IV.Tu, esti ideea de intens
    Cautarii mele-i dai un sens
    Un motiv ca sa incerc mai mult
    Tu esti vocea ce-o ascult
    Esti chemarea de demult
    Ce ma face sa nu-mi apartin, nu mai sunt eu
    Nu mai e nimic al meu, esti tu
    Nu pleca nu spune nu
    Nu pleca nu spune nu


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Graveyard of Fallen Hopes
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 92
Evanescence - Whisper

Catch me as I fall
Say you're here and it's all over now
Speaking to the atmosphere
No one's here and I fall into myself
This truth drives me
Into madness
I know I can stop the pain
If I will it all away

Don't turn away
(Don't give in to the pain)
Don't try to hide
(Though they're screaming your name)
Don't close your eyes
(God knows what lies behind them)
Don't turn out the light
(Never sleep never die)

I'm frightened by what I see
But somehow I know
That there's much more to come
Immobilized by my fear
And soon to be
Blinded by tears
I can stop the pain
If I will it all away


Fallen angels at my fear
Whispered voices at my ear
Death before my eyes
Lying next to me I fear
She beckons me
Shall I give in
Upon my end shall I begin
Forsaking all I've fallen for
I rise to meet the end

[Chorus x3]
Servatis a pereculum.
Servatis a maleficum

Be more than alive, be mine...

pus acum 18 ani

The Heartless- HIM

Your pain ain't love

Can't you see he's the heartless
Your pain is not love
He's taking it too far
Don't you know it is wrong
You're the one for me lady
You're the one
If you'd only see in my heart
You'd know know all is not lost

Your time is running out
And you still haven't made up your mind
Can't you see he's the heartless
And you're one of a kind

He's the heartless

You can't you see he's the heartless
Your pain won't ever be love
It doesn't matter how hard you try
To you all is lost

He's the heartless

pus acum 18 ani
sweet member

Din: somewhere in this world
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 425
Acesta este cantecul meu favorit. Este "I don't want to miss a thing" de la AEROSMITH.

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Well, every moment spent with you
Is a moment I treasure
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Lying close to you
Feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
Well, I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just wanna hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time
Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
'Cause I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna miss a thïng

Voi mai pune si altele, dar mai tarziu.


pus acum 18 ani

shi mie imi place aerosmith!!..e supeer!!

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
my fav mel
Nightwish - Nemo

This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass

This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything

My flower, withered between
The pages 2 and 3
The once and forever bloom gone with my sins

Walk the dark path
Sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything
Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forevermore

Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go

Oh, how i wish... (as in 2nd chorus)
...Name for evermore


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
sweet member

Din: somewhere in this world
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 425
Pussicat Dolls - Stick with you

Oohooh ooh oohooh ooh...

I don't wanna go another day
So I'm telling you, exactly what is on my mind
Seems like everybody is breaking up
And throwing their love away
But I know I got a good thing right here
That's why I say (Hey)

Nobody gonna love me better, I must stick wit u forever
Nobody gonna take me higher, I must stick wit u
You know how to appreciate me, I must stick wit u, my baby
Nobody ever made me feel this way, I must stick wit u

I don't wanna go another day
So I'm telling you, exactly what is on my mind
See the way we ride, in our private lives
Ain't nobody gettin' in between
I want you to know that, you're the only one for me (one for me)
(What I'm sayin')

Nobody gonna love me better, I must stick wit u forever
Nobody gonna take me higher, I must stick wit u
You know how to appreciate me, I must stick wit u, my baby
Nobody ever made me feel this way, I must stick wit u

And now, ain't nothing else I can need
And now, I'm singing 'cause you're so, so into me
I got you, we'll be making love endlessly
I'm with you (baby I'm with you)
Baby you're with me (baby you're with me, higher)

So don't cha worry about
People hanging around
They ain't bringing us down
I know you, and you know me
And that's all that counts
So don't cha worry about
People hanging around
They ain't bringing us down
I know you, and you know me
And that's, that's why I say (Hey)

Nobody gonna love me better, I must stick wit u forever
Nobody gonna take me higher, I must stick wit u (come on)
You know how to appreciate me, I must stick wit u, my baby
Nobody ever made me feel this way, I must stick wit u

Nobody gonna love me better, I must stick wit u forever
Nobody gonna take me higher, I must stick wit u
You know how to appreciate me, I must stick wit u, my baby
Nobody ever made me feel this way, I must stick wït u.


pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Versurile melodiei le-am trait pe pielea mea!

Behind These Hazel Eyes"

Seems like just yesterday
You were a part of me
I used to stand so tall
I used to be so strong
Your arms around me tight
Everything, it felt so right
Unbreakable, like nothin' could go wrong
Now I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

I told you everything
Opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright
For once in my life
Now all that's left of me
Is what I pretend to be
So together, but so broken up inside
'Cause I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hangin' on

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

Swallow me then spit me out
For hating you, I blame myself
Seeing you it kills me now
No, I don't cry on the outside

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
My dying bride - for my fallen angel...versurile care imi alina sufletelu meu trist in mom asta

As I draw up my breath
And silver fills my eyes
I kiss her still
For she will never rise

On my weak body
Lays her dying hand
Through those meadows of Heaven
Where we ran

Like a thief in the night
The wind blows so light
It wars with my tears
That won?t dry for many years

Loves golden arrow
At her should have fled
And not Deaths ebon dart
To strike her dead

My dying bride - My wine in silence

Where are you now my love?
My sweet one.
Where have you gone my love?
I'm so alone.

I only think of you.
And it drives me down.
I only dream of you.

I'll come to you.
Take my hand.
Hold me again.
Please take my hand

Please hold me now my love.
Where are you now, oh my sweet love.


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Bloody`s guy

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1270
vai c lene imi e sa l scriu..........da dak chiar va intereseaza,am sa le kut p net si o sa vi le "postez"


pus acum 18 ani

nu prea am ascultat mel asta, dar imi plac la nebunie versurile
:: Cradle Of Filth - Nymphetamine fix ::.

Lead to the river
Midsummer, I waved
A ‘V’ of black swans
On with hope to the grave
All through Red September
With skies fire-paved
I begged you appear
Like a thorn for the holy ones

Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced when you left me
A rose in the rain
So I swore to the razor
That never, enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again

Bared on your tomb
I am a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your lowliness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, a vampyric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better

Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
Nymphetamine girl
Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
My nymphetamine girl

Wracked with your charm
I am circled like prey
Back in the forest
Where whispers persuade
More sugar trails
More white lady laid
Than pillars of salt
(Keeping Sodom at night at bay)

Fold to my arms
Hold their mesmeric sway
And dance to the moon
As we did in those golden days

Christening stars
I remember the way
We were needle and spoon
Mislaid in the burning hay

Bared on your tomb
I am a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your lowliness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, a vampyric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better

None better

Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
Nymphetamine girl
Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
My nymphetamine girl

pus acum 18 ani
sweet member

Din: somewhere in this world
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 425
Black Eyes Peas: Pump it
Super melodie

Ha ha ha
Pump it
Ha ha ha
And pump it (louder) [4x]

Turn up the radio
Blast your stereo

N*ggas wanna hate on us (who)
N*ggas be envious (who)
And I know why they hatin' on us (why)
Cause that's so fabulous (what)
I'ma be real on us (c'mon)
Nobody got nuttin' on us (no)
Girls be all on us, from London back down to the US (s, s)

We rockin' it (contagious), monkey business (outrageous)
Just confess, your girl admits that we the sh*t

F-R-E-S-H (fresh)
D-E-F, that's right we def (rock)
We definite B-E-P, we rappin' it
So, turn it up (turn it up) [3x]
C'mon baby, just

Pump it (louder) [6x]

And say, oh oh oh oh
Say, oh oh oh oh
Yo, yo

Turn up the radio
Blast your stereo
Right now
This joint is fizzlin'
It's sizzlin'

(Yo, check this out right here)
Dude wanna hate on us (dude)
Dude need'a ease on up (dude)
Dude wanna act on up
But dude get shut like flavor shut (down)
Chicks say, she ain't down
But chick backstage when we in town (ha)
She like man on drunk (fool)
She wanna hit n' run (errr)
Yeah, that's the speed
That's what we do
That's who we be
B-L-A-C-K -E -Y-E-D-P to the E, then the A to the S
When we play you shake your ass
Shake it, shake it, shake it girl
Make sure you don't break it, girl
Cause we gonna

Turn it up (turn it up) [3x]
C'mon baby, just
Pump it (louder) [6x]

And say, oh oh oh oh
Say, oh oh oh oh
Yo, yo
Turn up the radio
Blast your stereo
Right now
This joint is fizzlin'
It's sizzlin'

Damn (damn) [5x]


Apl. de ap. from Philippines
Live and direct, rocking this scene
Waiting on down for the B-boys
And B-girls waiting, doin' their thing
Pump it, louder come on
Don't stop, and keep it goin'
Do it, lets get it on
Move it!

Come on, baby, do it

La-da-di-dup-dup die dy
On the stereo
Let those speakers blow your mind
(Blow my mind, baby)
To let it go, let it go
Here we go
La-da-di-dup-dup die dy (c'mon, we're there)
On the radio
The system is gonna feel so fine

Pump it (louder) [6x]

And say, oh oh oh oh
Say, oh oh oh oh
Yo, yo
Turn up the radio
Blast your stereo
Right now
This joint is fizzlin'
It's sizzlin'


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Faye Wong - Eyes on me (Final Fantasy 8)

Whenever I sang my songs,
On the stage,
On my own.
Whenever I said my words,
wishing they would be heard.
I saw you smiling at me,
Was it real or just my fantasy?
You'd always be there in the corner, of this tiny little bar.

My last night here for you,
same old songs just once more.
My last night here with you?
Maybe yes, maybe no.
I kind of liked it your way,
how you shyly placed your eyes on me.
Did you ever know that I had mine on you?

Darling so there you are!
With that look on your face.
As if your never hurt.
As if your never down.
Shall I be the one for you,
Who pinches you softly but sure?
If frown is shown then,
I will know that you are no dreamer.

So let me come to you
Close as I wanna be.
Close enough for me
to feel your heart beating fast
and stay there as i whisper
how i loved your peaceful eyes on me
did you ever know that i had mine on you?

Darling so share with me,
your love if you have enough,
your tears if your holding back,
or pain if thats what it is.
How can i let you know?
I'm more than the dress and the voice.
Just reach me out then,
You will know that you are not dreaming.

Darling so there you are!
With that look on your face.
As if your never hurt.
As if your never down.
Shall I be the one for you,
Who pinches you softly but sure?
If frown is shown then,
I will know that you are no dreamer.


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Bloody`s guy

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1270
"oooo m-am plictisit
      sunt indragostit
      sunt inebunit
      merg p strazi...si-ntr-una cant


versurile favorite "oooo m-am     sunt     sunt     merg Bloody`s guy



pus acum 18 ani

will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you

pus acum 18 ani
Dark Crow
Dark Avenger

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 520
versurile mele favorite sunt de la Nightwish, Linkin Park, HIM, The Rasmus... si multe alte formatii rock

I am deeper than fear, I am worse than a nightmare, I am more than an obssesion, I am darker than night, behold me and tremble, for I am Dark Crow!

pus acum 18 ani

doar 2 versuri m'au marcat p mine ffffffffff mult
d la Guns'n'Roses- "November Rain" :
"If u wanna love me, then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin' in the cold November Rain..."

Modificat de kurama_best (acum 18 ani)

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
una dintre cele mai superbe melodii de dragoste...o adevarata declaratie de dargoste.... Bryan Adams - When you love someone

When you love someone   you'll do anything
You'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain
You'll shoot the moon   put out the sun
When you love someone
You'll deny the truth   believe a lie
There'll be times that you'll believe
you can really fly
But your lonely nights   have just begun
When you love someone
When you love someone   you'll feel it deep inside
And nothin' else can ever change your mind
When you want someone - when you need someone
When you love someone
When you love someone - you'll sacrifice
You'd give it everything you got and
you won't think twice
You'd risk it all - no matter what may come
When you love someone
You'll shoot the moon - put out the sun
When you love someone


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Dark Crow
Dark Avenger

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 520
totusi o sa pun niste versuri care mau atins:
Limp Bizkit-Eat you alive
Hey you Mrs I dont know what the fuck your name is
Im drawn to you somethings magnetic here
If I could approach you or even get close to the scent that you left behind Id be fine
No doubt that (no doubt) you bring out (bring out) the animal inside

I'D EAT YOU ALIVE!!!! i'd eat you alive.....
I'D EAT YOU ALIVE!!!! i'd eat you alive.....

Hey you, Mrs. too-good-to-look-my-way and that's cool you want nothing at all to do with me.
But I want you, ain't nothing wrong with wanting you cause I'm a man and I can think what the hell I want, you got that
No doubt that (no doubt) I'd love to (I'd love) sniff on them panties now....

I'D EAT YOU ALIVE!!!! i'd eat you alive.....
I'D EAT YOU ALIVE!!!! i'd eat you alive.....

I'm sorry. So sorry (damn, you're so hot!!)
Your beauty is so vain (damn, you're so hot!!)
It drives me, yes it drives me (damn your so hot) absolutely insane

I just want to look at you
I just want to look at you, look at you all day
I just want to look at you, I just want to look at you all day
There ain't nothing wrong, no. There aint nothing wrong with that

Once you seep in (once you seep in) under my skin (under my skin)
Theres nothing, theres nothing in this world that could wash you away

Once you seep in (once you seep in) under my skin (under my skin)
Theres nothing, theres nothing in this world that could wash you away.....

I'm sorry. So sorry (damn, you're so hot!!)
Your beauty is so vain (damn, you're so hot!!)
It drives me, yes it drives me(damn your so hot) absolutely insane

I'D EAT YOU ALIVE!!!! i'd eat you alive.....
I'D EAT YOU ALIVE!!!! i'd eat you alive.....

I am deeper than fear, I am worse than a nightmare, I am more than an obssesion, I am darker than night, behold me and tremble, for I am Dark Crow!

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Uriah Heep & Iris - Lady in black

Lady In Black (Doamna In Negru)
by Iris

Era-ntr-o dimineata,
O alba dimineata,
A aparut, cu parul ei,
In vantul iernii, nins,
Eu n-am stiut de unde
Si cum de m-a gasit,
In noaptea gandurilor sumbre,
-n mine-a rasarit

She asked me name my foe then,
I said the need within some men,
To fight and kill their brothers,
Without thought of love or God,
And I begged her give me horses,
To trample down my enemies,
So eager was this passion
To devour this waste of life.

Ah ah ah.....
But she wouldn?t think of battle that
Reduces men to animals,
So easy to begin
And impossible to end.

Priveste lumea cu ochi vii,
Din dragoste ai sa re-nvii,
S-a-ntors din viata si-a plecat
Lasand un gand curat
Ah ah ah.....

Era-ntr-o dimineata,
O alba dimineata.
A aparut, cu parul ei,
In vantul iernii, nins.

And I know not how she found me,
For in darkness I was walking
And destruction lay around me,
From a fight I could not wïn.
Ah ah ah.....

Nightiwish - End of all hope

It is the end of all hope
To lose the child, the faith
To end all the innocence
To be someone like me
This is the birth of all hope
To have what I once had
This life unforgiven
It will end with a birth

No will to wake for this morn
To see another black rose born
Deathbed is slowly covered with snow

Angels, they fell first but I'm still here
Alone as they are drawing near
In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung

Wounded is the deer that leaps highest
And my wound it cuts so deep
Turn off the light and let me pull the plug

Mandylion without a face
Deathwish without a prayer
End of hope
End of love
End of time
The rest is silence

Nightiwsh - 10th man down

Today I killed, he was just a boy
Eight before him, I knew them all
In the fields a dying oath:
I´d kill them all to save my own

Cut me free, Bleed with me, Oh no
One by one, We will fall, down down
Pull the plug, End the pain, Run´n fight for life
Hold on tight, this ain´t my fight

Deliver me from this war
It´s not for me it´s because of you
Devil´s instant my eternity
Obey to kill to save yourself

Cut me free...
"I envy the 9 lives that gave me hell
My path made up by their torn bodies
Man to man, soldier to soldier, dust to dust
Call me a coward but I can´t take it anymore"

They wait for me back home
The live with eyes turned away
They were the first ones to see
They are the last ones to bleed

"The ultimate high as all beautiful dies
A ruler´s tool, priest´s excuse, tyrant´s delight...
I alone, the great white hunter
I´ll march till the dawn brings me rest
10th patriot at the gallow´s pole!"

Cut me free...


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Take a look at this ones!

                               Evanescence-My Immortal
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating life
Now I'm bound by the life you've left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along


pus acum 18 ani

HIM- In Joy And Sorrow

Oh girl we are the same
We are young and lost and so afraid
There´s no cure for the pain
No shelter from the rain
All our prayers seem to fail

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
In a world so hollow
It is breaking my heart
In joy and sorrow my home's in your amrs
In a world so hollow
It is breaking my heart

Oh girl we are the same
We are strong and blessed and so brave
With souls to be saved
And faith regained
All our tears wipe away

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
In a world so hollow
It is breaking my heart
In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
In a world so hollow
It is breaking my heart

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
In a world so hollow
It is breaking my heart
In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
In a world so hollow
It is breaking my heart

And my home's in your arms
And it is breaking my heart
My home's in your arms
And it is breaking my heart

pus acum 18 ani
noreva parizie

Din: orasul viselor pierdute
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 366
versurile de la una dintre melodiile mele preferate ...Celine Dion-Think Twice   

Don’t think I can’t feel there’s something wrong
You’ve been the sweetest part of my life so long
I look in your eyes, there’s a distant light
And you and I know there’ll be a storm tonight
This is getting serious
Are you thinking ’bout you or us

Don’t say what you’re about to say
Look back before you leave my life
Be sure before you close that door
Before you roll those dice
Baby think twice

Baby think twice for the sake of our love, for the memory
For the fire and the faith that was you and me
Baby I know it ain’t easy when your soul cries out for a higher ground
’coz when you’re halfway up, you’re always halfway down
But baby this is serious
Are you thinking ’bout you or us

(repeat first chorus)

Baby this is serious
Are you thinking ’bout you or us

Don’t say what you’re about to say
Look back before you leave my life
Be sure before you close that door
Before you roll those dice

Don’t do what you’re about to do
My everything depends on you
And whatever it takes, I’ll sacrifice
Before you roll those dice
Baby think twice

da.da...imi place taaare mult

I am free to die in peace...my heart is in pain because of you...i'd like to be free again, to fly like a bird...but i can't...because i am caught in you're tears...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Arad
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 183

. Angel Eyes

There she was standing
'Neath a waterfall
His heart is bleeding
For that memory
Her eyes they haunt him
For years to come
Misleading his heart
Tears it apart
Years have passed by
From that night
Memory still haunts me
Fate still decides
Way of our life
Choice was never ours
Make my heart
Whole again
Oh! Please stay with me
Angels eyes, I saw in you
I reach for that light, it shines so bright
Touching my heart, tearing apart
To have you in my arms
Angels Eyes
Ingating feelings, flames are reaching to the heart
Fiery emotions, 'till the embers burn
Touching the soul, desire breaching mind
Reach out for stars, you will burn like fool
Who gave his heart in vain
Do you not fear me?
To see, it is to believe
Reach out for my heart
For you I give it to keep


Look to the mirror
What do you see?
Beneath the shadows
Hiding your face
I can see hatred
Consuming fear
There is no reason
No cause to live
Beneath and buried deep down
There still is hope
Come with me follow
Way to the light
Crying for sake of our sins
Weeping for our fate
Quietly I face pouring rain in the night
Washing our faces where we stand
Sign of desperation
I slowly walk from the light
Beast stirs in its sleep
Feed the flames, fester hate
Burning embers, fiery eyes
Spill your blood, you will die!
Whispers of darkness, lead you astray
There is no truth in those
Heart still beats, there's life in you
where there is life, yet hope still remains
In darkness I feel
Kind of silence
Fear is the key
To open that door
Embrace my wounded heart
Take me to dark
Follow path of hate
New meaning to my hateful life

Rising Wind

Dying hope, failed quest
I dream my life again
My time is running out
and soon my life will end
I have seen my life
Fading in front of my eyes
I have seen my time
Wasted in pointless lies
I can't reach your life
When all hope is lost
Our dreams will sink with hope
As our lives came to end
Now I reach you through time
Oh, won't you please come with me
Broken dreams, torn hero
Dying hope I am
I can't reach you, I can't save you
I've failed you
I have failed my people, I have failed their trust
Now my soul is rising with the wind to the stars
I can sense the wind is rising
I can feel the storm is closing
I can hear lightning cracking
Sky burning white
Now I feel wind rising, carrying me to the stars
Into the light I will fly with you
Away from this world, we will leave our lives
Blown away by the rising wind

Modificat de mihai_t (acum 18 ani)

pus acum 18 ani

HIM- I Love You (Prelude to Tragedy)

I see it in your eyes
I feel it in your touch
I taste it from your lips
And baby more I love you

Can't you see my darling
That the harder I try
The more we grow apart
Please believe me
The sweeter the kiss
The colder turn your arms
And the colder grows your heart
And baby more I love you

I see it in your eyes
I feel it in your touch
I taste it from your lips
And baby more I love you

(repeat 1 time)

And you're in my heart my darling
The closer I get
The more you're out of love
Don't you feel it
The colder your touch
The more it turns me on
And the faster beats my heart
And baby more I love you

I see it in your eyes
I feel it in your touch
I taste it from your lips
And baby more I love you

(repeat 3 times)

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Ce-mi placeee melo asta :
                                  Maroon5-Harder to breath
How dare you say that my behavior is unacceptable
So condescending unnecessarily critical
I have the tendency of getting very physical
So watch your step cause if I do you'll need a miracle

You drain me dry and make me wonder why I'm even here
This Double Vision I was seeing is finally clear
You want to stay but you know very well I want you gone
Not fit to funkin' tread the ground that I'm walking on

When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love
You'll understand what I mean when I say
There's no way we're gonna give up
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe

What you are doing is screwing things up inside my head
You should know better you never listened to what I've said
Clutching your pillow and writhing in a naked sweat
Hoping somebody someday will do you like I did

When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love
You'll understand what I mean when I say
There's no way we're gonna give up
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe

Does it kill
Does it burn
Is it painful to learn
That it's me that has all the control

Does it thrill
Does it sting
When you feel what I bring
And you wish that you had me to hold

When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love
You'll understand what I mean when I say
There's no way we're gonna give up
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe
is there anyone out there cuz its gettin harder and harder to breathe


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
by Seether feat. Amy Lee

I wanted you to know
That I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high
Steal your pain

I keep your photograph
And I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high
And steal your pain

Chorus 1:
Cuz I'm broken
When I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right,
When you're gone away

You've gone away
You don't feel me

The worst is over now,
And we can breathe again
I want to hold you high
And steal your pain

There's so much left to learn
And no one left to fight
I want to hold you  high
And steal your pain

Chorus 2:
Cuz I'm broken
When I'm open
ANd I don't feel like
I'm strong enough

Cuz I'm broken
When I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right
When you're gone away

(Chorus 2  X2)
(Chorus 1)

Creed - My sacrifice
Hello my friend we meet again
It's been a while where should
we begin?feels like forever
Within my heart are memories
Of perfect love that you gave to me
I remember

When you are with me
I'm free?I'm careless?I believe
Above all the others we'll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My sacrifice

We've seen our share of ups and downs
Oh how quickly life can turn around in
an instant
It feels so good to reunite
Within yourself and within your mind
Let's find peace there

When you are with me
I'm free?I'm careless?I believe
Above all the others we'll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My sacrifice

I just want to say hello again


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Arad
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 183

The Awakening

More that you'll get, the more will you want
Nothing can please you, to cease you to yearn
You reach out for sun, you bore under ground
What lies there for you?
Searching for riches and treasures of old
Nothing can please your hunger for gold
Burrowing under, reaching for stars
But now you have reached too far
No! What have you done
Now it is time to pay
Feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You have invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed
Once again I feel my heart
Beating my lifeblood through my veins
Woe upon thee and thy kind
For thou hast 'wakened the slumber of mine
Hatred shall be my wine
Fear my meat
With your soul I shall feast


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
melodia care ma ajuta sa trec peste toate....

Reamon - Supergirl

You can tell by the way she walks
that she's my girl.
You can tell by the way
she talks she woos the world.
You can see in her eyes
that no one is her change
She's my girl,
my supergirl.

And then she'd say:
"It's ok, I got lost on the way
but I'm a supergirl
and supergirls don't cry"
And then she'd say:
"It's alright, I got home
late last night
but I'm a supergirl
and supergirls just fly".

And then she'd say
that nothing can go wrong
When you're in love
what can be wrong?
And then she'd laugh
the night time into day
pushing her fear
further alone

And then she'd shout
down the line
tell me she's got no more time
cause she's a supergirl
and supergirls don't cry

And then she'd scream
in my face
tell me to leave,
leave this place
cause she's a supergirl
and supergirls just fly

Yeah she's a supergirl,
a supergirl.
She's so in seeds*
she's burning trees*
She's so in seeds*
she's burning streams*
yeah she's a supergirl
a supergirl
a supergirl
my supergirl.


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: California
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 244
shi eu am o multime de melodii favorite(dar nam versurile la toate) dar am ceva:
Britney Spears  Lucky, e una din melodiile mele preferate:d
This is a story about a girl named Lucky…

Early morning, she wakes up
Knock, knock, knock on the door
It's time for makeup, perfect smile
It's you they're all waiting for
They go…
"Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?"
And they say…

She's so lucky, she's a star
But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking
If there's nothing missing in my life
Then why do these tears come at night

Lost in an image, in a dream
But there's no one there to wake her up
And the world is spinning, and she keeps on winning
But tell me what happens when it stops?
They go…
"Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?"
And they say…

She's so lucky, she's a star
But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking
If there's nothing missing in my life
Then why do these tears come at night

"Best actress, and the winner is…Lucky!"
"I'm Roger Johnson for Pop News standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky"
"Oh my god…here she comes!"

Isn't she lucky, this Hollywood girl?
She is so lucky, but why does she cry?
If there's nothing missing in her life
Why do tears come at night?

She's so lucky, she's a star
But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking
If there's nothing missing in my life
Then why do these tears come at nïght

Dreamy, Icy, Sweet...
Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies

"What am I to do with my life
(You will find out don't worry)
How Am I supposed to know what's right?
(You just got to do it your way)
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected"

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Scorpions - Still loving you

Time, it needs time
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday
I will be there, I will be there

I'll fight, babe, I'll fight
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can break down the wall someday
I will be there, I will be there

If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again
I'm loving you

Try, baby try
To trust in my love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, our love
Just shouldn't be thrown away
I will be there, I will be there

If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again

If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Yes, I've hurt your pride, and I know
What you've been through
You should give me a chance
This can't be the end
I'm still loving you
I'm still loving you, I need your love
I'm still loving you


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: California
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 244
Christina Aguilera(nu stiu cum se scrie corect) Genie in a bottle:

I feel like I've
been locked up tight
for a century of lonely nights
Waiting for someone
to release me
You're lickin' your lips
and blowing kisses my way
But that don't mean
I'm gonna give it away
Baby baby baby (baby baby baby...)

Ooohhh, 'my body's sayin' lets go'
Ooohhh, 'but my heart is sayin' no'

If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle
You gotta rub me the right way

If you wanna be with me
I can make your wish come true
Ya gotta make a big impression
Gotta like what you do

I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Gotta rub me the right way honey
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come come, come on and let me out

The music's playing
and the lights are low
Just one more dance
and then we're gonna go
Waiting for someone who needs me
Horemones racing
at the speed of light
But that don't mean
It's gotta be tonight
Baby baby baby (baby baby baby...)

Ooohhh, 'my body's sayin' lets go'
Ooohhh, 'but my heart is sayin' no'

If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle
You gotta rub me the right way

If you wanna be with me
I can make your wish come true
Just come and set me free babe
And I'll be with you

'I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Gotta rub me the right way honey
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come come, come on and let me out'

'I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Gotta rub me the right way honey (If you wanna be with me)
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come come, come on and let me out'

Ooohhh, 'my body's sayin' lets go'
Ooohhh, 'but my heart is sayin' no'

If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle (I'm a genie in a bottle)
You gotta rub me the right way

If you wanna be with me
I can make your wish come true
Ya gotta make a big impression
Gotta like what you do (Ooohhh...)

If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle (In a bottle baby...)
You gotta rub me the right way

If you wanna be with me (If you wanna be with me...)
I can make your wish come true
Just come and set me free baby
And I'll be with you

'I'm a genie ïn a bottle baby
Come come, come on and let me out'

Dreamy, Icy, Sweet...
Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies

"What am I to do with my life
(You will find out don't worry)
How Am I supposed to know what's right?
(You just got to do it your way)
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected"

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Arad
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 183

. Call Of The Wild

Time, only time, but it's flowing
Covering our lives with its sand
Memories, flashbacks, from the time that's passed
Slowly, mind fades, it happened too fast
Going back to that silent vale
Where those whispers first called me to stay

Whispers come back, mind loses track
I won't let it touch my lies
Howling, screaming, burning inside
I will not bow to you
See your wrath and loathing increasing
Feel the warmth of suns' appealing
Burning, twisting, you're not so strong
Oh, you are wrong

Give me wings so that I could fly
Give me insight to see all those lies
Give me a stronger soul that will not bow
Give me the strength to go

Give me my wings so I could fly
Beyond the reach of lies
I will go back for awhile
Over shards of our lives
Future holds me no prize
Into past, I shall dive - Call of the Wild

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Apocalyptica - Bittersweet

I'm giving up the ghost of love
And a  shadow is cast on devotion.

She's the one that I adore
Qween of my silent suffocation.

Break this bittersweet spell on me,
Lost in the arms of destiny.

I won't give up; I'm possessed by her.
I'm bearing a cross; she turned into my curse.
Break this bittersweet spell on me,
Lost in the arms of destiny,
Bittersweet, I want you (how I wanted you)
And I need you ( how I needed you)

Break this bittersweet spell on me,
Lost in the arms of destiny.
Break this bittersweet spell on me,
Lost in the arms of destiny.


Vama Veche - Copilul si durerea

Copilul si Durerea stau imbratisati
Dar ochii lui respira inca si inca sunt curatim
Nici boala nu mai stie dac-a terminat cu el:
-Putea sa fie inger...dar am scos si sufletul din el,
Dar uite ca deodata Morfina intra-n el:
-Prieten drag, Morfina mea, hai, du-ma spre castel...

Vantul alearga cu mine spre castel
"Caramida noua, da Doamne sa ploua!"
Soarele-mi deschide poarta catre el
"Caramida rea, da Doamne sa stea!"
Uite-o pe printesa, vine sa ma ia
-Mami, am sa ma joc cu ea,
Tati, am sa-i iau o stea
Vai, dar ce se-ntampla, Vantul a plecat,
Soarele s-a-ntunecat
Boala iar m-a-mbratisat
Doamne Dumnezeule, da-i printesa inapoi
Da-i cat poti de multe vise si un inger fa din el.
O fata imbracata-n alb se-ndreapta catre pat
Ii ia o mana-n mana ei, il mangaie pe cap.
Deodata o adiere-i racoreste mana -ncetisor
Si-un arici l-a intepat si-n el se scurge usor:
-Morfina mea, prieten drag, hai,du-ma spre castel...

Vreau sa raman aici, printesa mea
Ca sa ne putem juca si sa pot sa-ti dau o stea
Sa ne ascundem prin marele castel
Soarele si Vantul sa-ncalece pamantul
Iar tu sa porti pe frunte steaua mea
Sa ne urcam pe un calut, sa zburam cu el in sus
Printesa, viata ma trage inapoi
Tine-ma, te rog aici
Tine-ma, te rog aici


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Arad
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 183
Over The Hills And Far Away

They came for him one winter's night.
Arrested, he was bound.
They said there'd been a robbery,
his pistol had been found.

They marched him to the station house,
he waited for the dawn.
And as they led him to the dock,
he knew that he'd been wronged.
"You stand accused of robbery,"
he heard the bailiff say.
He knew without an alibi,
tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom.

Over the hills and far away,
for ten long years he'll count the days.
Over the mountains and the seas,
a prisoner's life for him there'll be.

He knew that it would cost him dear,
but yet he dare not say.
Where he had been that fateful night,
a secret it must stay.
He had to fight back tears of rage.
His heart beat like a drum.
For with the wife of his best friend,
he spent his final night of freedom.

Over the hills and far away,
he swears he will return one day.
Far from the mountains and the seas,
back in her arms he swears he'll be.
Over the hills and far away.

Over the hills and,
over the hills and,
over the hills and far away.

Each night within his prison cell,
he looks out through the bars.
He reads the letters that she wrote.
One day he'll know the taste of freedom.

Over the hills and far away,
she prays he will return one day.

versurile favorite over the hills and far awaythey came for him one winter's was bound.they said


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Nickelback - Far away

This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

One my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I?d give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know,
you know, you know

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know

I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving
Hold on to me and
never let me go

Nickelback - Photograph

Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
How did our eyes get so red?
And what the hell is on Joey's head?

This is where I grew up
I think the present owner fixed it up
I never knew we ever went without
The second floor is hard for sneakin' out

And this is where I went to school
Most of the time I had better things to do
Criminal record says I broke in twice
I must of done it half a dozen times

I wonder if it's too late
Should I go back and try to graduate?
Lot's better now than it was back then
If I was them, I wouldn't let me in
Oh, woah, woah, woah God, I

Every memory of lookin' out the back door
I have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It's hard to say it
Time to say it
Good bye, good bye

Every memory of walkin' out the front door
I found the photo of the person I was lookin' for
It's hard to say it
Time to say it
Good bye, good bye

Remember the old arcade?
Blew every dollar that we ever made
The cops seen us hangin' out
They said somebody went and burnt it down

We use to listen to the radio
And sing along with every song we know
We said someday we'd find out how it feels
To sing to more than just a steering wheel

Kim's the first girl I kissed
I was so nervous that I nearly missed
She's had a couple of kids since then
I haven't seen her since God knows when
Oh, woah, woah, oh God, I

Every memory of lookin' out the back door
I have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It's hard to say it
Time to say it
Good bye, good bye

Every memory of walkin' out the front door
I found the photo of the person I was lookin' for
It's hard to say it
Time to say it
Good bye, good bye

[I miss] I miss that town
[I miss] I miss their faces
[You can't] You can't erase
[You can't] You can't replace it
[I miss] I miss it now
[I can't] I can't believe it
[So hard] So hard to stay
[Too hard] Too hard to leave it

If I could relive those days
I know the one thing that would never change [Change, change, change]

Every memory of lookin' out the back door
I have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It's [Hard to say] hard to say it
Time to say it
[Good bye] Good bye, good bye
Every memory of walkin' out the front door
I found the photo of the person I was lookin' for
It's [Hard to say] hard to say it
Time to say it
[Good bye] Good bye, good bye

Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
Every time I do it makes me


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Arad
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 183

Ever Dream

Ever felt away with me
Just once that all I need
Entwined in finding you one day

Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me

Would you do it with me
Heal the scars and change the stars
Would you do it for me
Turn loose the heaven within

I'd take you away
Castaway on a lonely day
Bosom for a teary cheek
My song can but borrow your grace

Come out, come out wherever you are
So lost in your sea
Give in, give in for my touch
For my taste for my lust

Your beauty cascaded on me
In this white night fantasy

"All I ever craved were the two dreams I shared with you.
One I now have, will the other one ever dream remain.
For yours I truly wish to be.

pus acum 18 ani

GUNS'N'ROSES - November Rain

When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same

'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain

We've been through this auch a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain

But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away

If we could take the time
to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain

Do you need some time...on your own
Do you need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you

Sometimes I need some time...on my
Sometimes I need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Mereu plng p mel asta cnd sufar!!!!!!

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Angels With Dirty Faces
I’m confused, I don’t know
Which way do I really go
This guy is fly
But another one pass me by
Stuck in the middle of this spot
That is too damn hot
Shall I choose the one
With the heavy car or not
’coz nothing ain’t serious
See I’m only seventeen
And I wanna be mysterious
Naughty, sexy on the creep
Never sleep
Won’t reveal the sneaky side of me

All day and night I creep out
I think about who I’m gonna go and link up
Don’t think that I’m innocent, baby
’coz this is driving me crazy
Tell me what do you see
I’m not an innocent girl

You don’t know where we go
You don’t know
That we’re angels with dirty faces in the morning
You don’t know we’ve been on the town low
You don’t know that we’re missing to the morning

I’d say that I’m the kind of girl
You’d say is shy
But I don’t think that’s the answer
You’d hear if you asked my guy
I’m just a girl who likes to let it go
Party with my ladies ’til dawn
Still don’t just let it go

Move your heads to the beat
And shake it down like you never did before
Move a little closer come with me
I’ll show you the place to be
That’s what he said to me

(chorus x2)

We’re the type of girls don’t think
Just say everything we want
We know we’ll get our own way
Sexy, classy
Don’t think you’ll put it past me
Angels in the day
But at night could be nasty
[keisha:] wanna have the fellas locked on ice
[mutya:] wanna play around with them like dice
[heidi:] he didn’t know I was a freak until he met me after dark
He thought this girl was a chic

(chorus x2)

You don’t know where I go


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
James Blunt - Goodbye my lover

"Goodbye My Lover"
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

Eels - I need some sleep (Shrek II)

I need some sleep
You can?t go home like this
I try counting sheep
But there?s one I always miss

Everyone says I?m getting down to low
Everyone says, ?You just gotta let it go?
You just gotta let it go
You just gotta let it go

I need some sleep time to put the old horse down
I?m in too deep and the wheels keep spinning round

Everyone says I?m getting down to low
Everyone says, ?You just gotta let it go?
You just gotta let it go
You just gotta let it go

You just gotta let it go
You just gotta let it go
You just gotta let it go

Dana Glover - It is you (I have loved) (Shrek I si II)

There is something that I see
  In the way you look at me
There's a smile, there's a truth
In your eyes

But in an unexpected way
On this unexpected day
Could it mean this is where I belong
It is you I have loved all along

It's no more a mystery, it is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved all along

There were times I ran to hide
Afraid to show the other side
Alone in the night without you

But I know just who you are
And I know you hold my heart
Finally this is where I belong
And it is you I have loved all along

It's no more a mystery, it is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
It is you I have loved all along

Over and over I'm filled with emotion
Your love rushes through my veins
And I am filled with the sweetest devotion
As I look into your perfect face

It's no more a mystery, it is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
It is you I have loved
It is you I have loved
It is you I have loved all along

Jennifer Saunders - Holding ou for a hero (Shrek II)

Where have all the good men gone and
Where are all the gods?
Where's the street wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a firey steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure
And it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life!
Larger than life

Somewhere after midnight
In my wildest fantasy
Somewhere just beyond my reach
There's someone reaching back for me
Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat
It's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet

Up where the mountains meet the heavens above
Out where the lightning splits the sea
I could swear there is someone somewhere watching me
Through the wind and the chill and the rain
And the storm and the flood
I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
And he's gotta be soon
And it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life...

And he's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight

I need a hero!


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Arad
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 183

Amour                                                       iubirea

Die Liebe ist ein wildes Tier                 iubirea e un animal salbatic
Sie atmet dich sie sucht nach dir        te miroase si cauta dupa tine
nistet auf gebrochnen Herzen            isi face cuib pe inimi zdrobite
geht auf Jagd bei Kuß und Kerzen      merge la vanatoare cu saruturi si                                                       lumanari
Saugt sich fest an deinem Lippen         se lipeste tare de buzele tale
Gräbt sich Gänge durch die Rippen        isi sapa tunele printre coaste
Läßt sich fallen weich wie Schnee           te lasa sa cazi moale ca                                                                    zapada
Erst wird es heiß dann kalt am Ende tut es weh  la inceput e cald apoi e                                                                    rece la capat doare

Amour Amour                                          iubire iubire
Alle wollen nur dich zähmen                      toti vreau sa te                                                                                imblanzeasca
Amour Amour am Ende                         iubire iubire la capat
Gefangen zwischen deinen Zähnen         prins intre dinti tai

Die Liebe ist ein wildes Tier                   iubirea e un animal salbatic
Sie beißt und kratzt und tritt nach mir     ia musca zgarae si loveste                                                               in mine
Hält mich mit tausend Armen fest          ma tine cu mi de maini pe loc
Zerrt mich in ihr Liebesnest                    ma trege in cuibul ei romantic
Frißt mich auf mit Haut und Haar             si ma mananca cu piele si                                                                par cu tot
Und würgt mich wieder aus nach Tag und Jahr    si ma digera dupa zile                                                                        si ani
Läßt sich fallen weich wie schnee                             te lasa sa cazi                                                                                   moale ca zapada                                                               
Erst wird es heiß dann kalt am Ende tut es weh  la inceput e cald dupa                                                                         aia e rece la capat                                                                            doare

Amour Amour                                iubire iubire
Alle wollen nur dich zähmen           toti vreau sa te imblanzeasca
Amour Amour am Ende                    iubire iubire la capat
Gefangen zwischen deinen Zähnen    prins intre dinti tai

Die Liebe ist ein wildes Tier  iubira e un animal salbatic
In die Falle gehst du ihr       ai cazi in capcana
In die Augen starrt sie dir                te priveste in ochi
Verzaubert wenn ihr Blick dich trifft     si te vrajeste cu privirea

Bitte bitte gib mir Gift        te rog dami otrava

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
"Everybody's Fool"-Evanescence

Perfect by nature
Icons of self indulgence
Just what we all need
More lies about a world that

Never was and never will be
Have you no shame don't you see me
You know you've got everybody fooled

Look here she comes now
Bow down and stare in wonder
Oh how we love you
No flaws when you're pretending
But now i know she

Never was and never will be
You don't know how you've betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled

Without the mask where will you hide
Can't find yourself lost in your lie

I know the truth now
I know who you are
And i don't love you anymore

It never was and never will be
You don't know how you've betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled

It never was and never will be
You're not real and you can't save me
Somehow now you're everybody's fool


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Hillary Duff - Come clean

Let's go back
Back to the beginning
Back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned

'Cause perfect didn't feel so perfect
Trying to fit a square into a circle
Was no lie
I defy

Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams
Let it wash away
My sanity
'Cause I wanna feel the thunder
I wanna scream
Let the rain fall down
I'm coming clean, I'm coming clean

I'm shedding
Shedding every color
Trying to find a pigment of truth
Beneath my skin

'Cause different
Doesn't feel so different
And going out is better
Then always staying in
Feel the wind

[Repeat Chorus]
I'm coming clean
Let the rain fall
Let the rain fall
I'm coming clean

[Repeat Chorus]
Let's go back
Back to the beginning

Tashika Yuuichi - Kataritsugu koto

Namida ikutsu koborete
Shingetsu no yoru hitotsu umi ga umareta
Tooku tsumuida kotoba
Kataribetachi no monogatari no naka ni

Mukashi dare ka ga koko de
Hari sake sou na mune wo sotto hiraita
Uta ni kanadete zutto
Donna basho ni mo tazusaete yukeru yo

Kesa naide anata no naka no
Tomoshibi wa tsuranari itsushika
Kagayaku kara

Kataritsugu koto ya tsutaete yuku koto
Jidai no uneri wo watatte yuku fune
Kaze hikaru kyou no hi no sora wo
Uke tsuide sore wo asu ni te watashite

Yubi ni hitai ni kami ni
Anata no mukou kaima mieru omokage
Moshimo toki no nagare wo
Saka noboretara sono hito ni deaeru

Kono sekai umarete soshite
Ataerareta ara yuru namae ni
Negai ga aru

Itoshii egao ni kokoro ugokashite
Arashi ni yura ide tachidomaru toki mo
Mamoritai subete wo sasagete mo
Omoi wa chikara ni sugata wo kaeru kara

Katari tsuide tsutaete yuku koto
Jidai no uneri wo watatte yuku fune
Kaze hikaru kyou no hi no sora wo
Uke tsuide sore wo asu ni te watashite

Hawthorne Heights - Saying sorry

These colors will not change, you change the way I see them
These words will fade when you explain why you hate them
We are the same, oh

She keeps repeating "I bet she needed"
She says she's right here, she seems so distant
Saying goodbye this time the same old story
Seeing you cry it makes feel like saying sorry

Just a few last hours we gotta make this count
We're counting backwards

(Just a few last hours, we gotta make this count)
We're falling forward
She keeps repeating "I bet she needed"
She says she's right here, she seems so distant
Saying goodbye this time, the same old story
Seeing you cry it makes me say like saying sorry

Saying sorry, we've fallen apart
Wish we knew this from the start
Saying goodbyes the hardest part
Wish we knew this from the start

Saying goodbye this time, the same old story
Seeing you cry it makes me feel like saying sorry


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

HIM- Drunk On Shadows
Hiding underneath
The veil of broken dreams
We find her weeping
On her once white wings
She will be carrying the weight of our deeds
And she bleeds for love
Forever gone
Drunk on shadows and lost in lie
Killing ourselves a kiss at a time
Devils dance while angels smile
Drunk on shadows and lost in lie
Finding souls to feed
The nightside of eden
we see her struggling
For her love's
Last breath and walk off
Drunk on shadows and lost in life
Killing ourselves a kiss at a time
Devils dance while angels smile
Drunk on shadows and lost in life
She's blinded by the fear
Of life and death and everything in between
We smile when she cries a river of tears
A mirror we see nothing but a reflection of heaven too far away
Drunk on shadows and lost in lie
Killing ourselves a kiss at a time
Devils dance while angels smile
Drunk on shadows and lost in lie
So alive
(Drunk on shadows)
So alive
Drunk On Shadows
Hiding underneath
The veil of broken dreams
We find her weeping
On her once white wings
She will be carrying the weight of our deeds
And she bleeds for love
Forever gone
Drunk on shadows and lost in lie
Killing ourselves a kiss at a time
Devils dance while angels smile
Drunk on shadows and lost in lie
Finding souls to feed
The nightside of eden
we see her struggling
For her love's
Last breath and walk off
Drunk on shadows and lost in life
Killing ourselves a kiss at a time
Devils dance while angels smile
Drunk on shadows and lost in life
She's blinded by the fear
Of life and death and everything in between
We smile when she cries a river of tears
A mirror we see nothing but a reflection of heaven too far away
Drunk on shadows and lost in lie
Killing ourselves a kiss at a time
Devils dance while angels smile
Drunk on shadows and lost in lie
So alive
(Drunk on shadows)
So alive

pus acum 18 ani
Unforgetable Moderator

Din: Your Wildest Dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1275
Cheers darlin' (Damien Rice)

Cheers darlin'
Here's to you and your lover boy
Cheers darlin'
I got years to wait around for you
Cheers darlin'
I've got your wedding bells in my ear
Cheers darlin'
You give me three cigarettes
To smoke my tears away

And I die when you mention his name
And I lied, I should have kissed you
When we were running in the rains

What am I, darlin'?
A whisper in your ear?
A piece of your cake?
What am I, darlin?
The boy you can fear?
Or your biggest mistake?

Cheers darlin'
Here's to you and your lover man
Cheers darlin'
I just hang around and eat from a can
Cheers darlin'
I got a ribbon of green on my guitar
Cheers darlin'
I got a beauty queen
To sit not very far from here

I die when he comes around
To take you home
I'm too shy, I should have kissed you
When we were alone

What am I, darlin'?
A whisper in your ear?
A piece of your cake?
What am I, darlin?
The boy you can fear?
Or your biggest mistake?

What am I?
What am I, darlin'?
I got years to wait around for you


War isn't about who is right, it's about who is left...

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Hilary Duff- Sweet sixteen

Today I'm gonna ride away
And feel the sun throughout my hair
Finally free to be who I wanna be
Who that is I don't really care

'Cuz I've got friends who love me
Blue skies are above me
My blonde hair is everywhere

Sweet sixteen
Gonna spread my wings
Sweet sixteen
It's my chance to shine
Sweet sixteen
Sweet sixteen
So much more to life
Sweet sixteen

Drivin' down to the club where we go to dance
Radio is blastin' and the top is down

There ain't nothin' in my way
'Cept the traffic of L.A.

And I've got friends who love me
Bright stars shine above me
My blonde hair is everywhere


Mamma loves me and a sister who shows me, and a daddy's always there


I wanna know what it feels like
I need to see it from the inside
I can taste a bit of what I will find
So much more to life
Sweet sixteen

*Desic melodia tuturor pesimistilor sa se mai inveseleasca un pic


pus acum 18 ani

Verse 1 -
Story of my life / searching for the right / but it keeps avoiding me
Sorrow in my soul / 'cause it seems that wrong / really loves my company
He's more than a man / and this is more than love / the reason that the sky is blue
The clouds are rollin' in / because I'm gone again / and to him I just can't be true

- Bridge -
And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful / and it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy / I can see him dying

- Chorus -
I don't want to do this anymore / I don't want to be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door / I see him die a little more inside
I don't want to hurt him anymore / I don't want to take away his life
I don't want to be / a murderer

- Verse 2 -
I feel it in the air / as I'm doin' my hair / preparing for another day
A kiss upon my cheek / as he reluctantly / as if I'm gonna be out late
I say "I won't be long. Just hangin' with the girls." / A lie I didn't have to tell
Because we both know / where I'm about to go / and we know it very well

- Bridge -
'Cause I know that he knows I'm unfaithful / and it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy / I can see him dying

- Chorus -
I don't want to do this anymore / I don't want to be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door / I see him die a little more inside
I don't want to hurt him anymore / I don't want to take away his life
I don't want to be / a murderer

- Breakdown (Verse 3) -
Our love / his trust / I might as well take a gun and put it to his head
Get it over with / I don't want to do this / anymore / whoa-oooh / anymore

- Chorus -
And I don't want to do this anymore / I don't want to be the reason why
And everytime I walk out the door / I see him die a little more inside
And I don't want to hurt him anymore / I don't want to take away his life
I don't want to be / a murderer - oh

A murderer

No / No / No / Yeah / Yeah

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Placebo - Without you i'm nothing
Strange infatuation seems to grace the evening tide
I'll take it by your side
Such imagination seems to help the feeling slide
I'll take it by your side
Instant correlation sucks and breeds a pack of lies
I'll take it by your side
Oversaturation curls the skin and tans the hide
I'll take it by your side

tick  tock x3
tick  tick  tick  tick  tick  tock

I'm unclean  a libertine
And every time you vent your spleen
I seem to lose the power of speech
Your slipping slowly from my reach
You grow me like an evergreen
You never see the lonely me at all

Take the plan, spin it sideways
Without you, I'm Nothing
Without you, I'm nothing
Without you, I'm nothing
Take the plan, spin it sideways
Without you, I'm nothing at all

Southpark - Merry F**king Christmas (Mr. Garrison)

I heard there is no Christmas in the silly middle east
No trees, no snow, no Santa Clause, they have different religious beliefs
They believe in Muhammad and not in our holiday
And so every December I got to the middle east and say

Hey there Mr. Muslim, merry f**king Christmas
Put down that book the Koran, and here's some holiday wishes
In case you haven't noticed, it's Jesus' birthday
So get off your heathen Muslim ass and f**king celebrate

There is no holiday season in India I've heard
They don't hang up their stockings and that is just absurd
They've never read a Christmas story, they don't know what Rudolph is about
And that is why in December I'll go to India and shout

Hey there Mr. Hinduist, merry f**king Christmas
Drink egg nog and eat some beef and pass it to the missus
In case you haven't noticed its Jesus' birthday
So get of your heathen Hindu ass and f**king celebrate

Now I heard that in Japan everyone just lives in sin
They pray to several gods and put needles in their skin
On December 25th all they do is eat a cake
And that is why I go to Japan and walk around and say

Hey there Mr. Shintoist, merry f**king Christmas
God is gonna kick your ass you infidelic pagan scum
In case you haven't noticed, there's festive things to do
So let's all rejoice for Jesus and merry f**king Christmas to you

On Christmas day
I travel around the world and say
Down with Krishnas, Buddists and all you atheists too
Merry f**king Christmas to you

Thank you Mr. Hat


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213

Out of winter came a warhorse of steel
I've never killed a woman before
But I know how it feels
I know you'd have gone insane
If you saw what I saw
So now I've got to look for
Sanctuary from the law

I met up with a stranger last night
To keep me alive
He spends all his time on gambling
And guns to survive
I know you'd have gone insane if you saw what I saw
So now I've got to look for Sanctuary from the law

So give me Sanctuary from the law
And I'll be alright
Just give me Sanctuary from the law
And love me tonight...tonight

I know you'd have gone insane if you saw what I saw
So now I've got to look for Sanctuary from the law


I can laugh at the wind
I can howl at the rain
Down in the canyon or out on the plains

I know you'd have gone insane if you saw what I saw
So now I've got to look for Sanctuary from the law



pus acum 18 ani
Unforgetable Moderator

Din: Your Wildest Dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1275

Sit, good dog, stay, bad dog, down, roll over
Well here's a good man and a pretty young girl
Trying to play together somehow,
I'm wasting my life, you're changing the world,
I get drunk and watch your head grow

It's the good times that we share
and the bad times that we'll have
It's the good times
and the bad times that we had

Well it's been a long slow collision,
I'm a pitbull, you're a dog,
Baby you're foul in clear conditions
But you're handsome in the fog

So I need some fine wine, and you, you need to be nicer
For the good times and the bad times
That we'll have

Sometimes we talk over dinner like old friends
Till I go and kill the bottle,
I go off over any old thing,
Break your heart
and raise a glass or ten

To the good times that we shared and the bad times that we'll have
To the good times
and the bad time that we've had

Well it's been a long slow collision,
I'm a pitbull, you're a dog,
Baby you're foul in clear conditions
But you're handsome in the fog

So I need some fine wine and you, you need to be nicer
For the good times
and the bad times we know will come
I need some fine wine
and you, you need to be nicer
you need to be nicer
you need

For the good times
and the bad time that we had

Good times, bad times
Sweet wine, bad wine
Good cop, bad cop,
Lapdog, bad dog


War isn't about who is right, it's about who is left...

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Breaking Benjamin - So cold (super tare piesa)

Crowded streets are cleared away
One by One
Hollow heroes seperate
As they run

You're so cold
Keep your hand in mine
Wise men wonder while
Strong men die

Show me how it ends
It's alright
Show me how defenseless
You really are
Satisfied and empty inside
That's alright
Let's give this another try

If you find your family
Don't you cry
In this land of make believe
Dead and dry

You're so cold
But you feel alive
Lay your hands on me
One last time

[Chorus] x2
It's alright x9

Creed - Satnd here with me

You always reached out to me and
helped me believe
All those memories we share
I will cherish every one of them
The truth of it is there's a right way to live
And you showed me
So now you live on in the words of a song
You're a melody

You stand here with me now
Just when fear blinded me
you taught me to dream
I'll give you everything I am
and still fall short of
What you've done for me
In this life that I live
I hope I can give love unselfishly
I've learned the world is bigger than me
You're my daily dose of reality

You stand here with me now
On and on we sing
On and on we sing this song

Cause you stand here with me

Creed - One last breath

Please come now I think I'm falling
I'm holding on to all I think is safe
It seems I found the road to nowhere
And I'm trying to escape
I yelled back when I heard thunder
But I'm down to one last breath
And with it let me say
Let me say

Hold me now
I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking
That maybe six feet
Ain't so far down

I'm looking down now that it's over
Reflecting on all of my mistakes
I thought I found the road to somewhere
Somewhere in His grace
I cried out heaven save me
But I'm down to one last breath
And with it let me say
Let me say

Hold me now
I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking
That maybe six feet
Ain't so far down

Sad eyes follow me
But I still believe there's something left for me
So please come stay with me
Cause I still believe there's something left for you and me
For you and me
For you and me

Hold me now
I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: demons world
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 69
This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass

This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything

My flower, withered between
The pages 2 and 3
The once and forever bloom gone with my sins

Walk the dark path
Sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything
Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forevermore

Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go

Oh, how i wish... (as in 2nd chorus)
...Name for evermore


pus acum 18 ani
Unforgetable Moderator

Din: Your Wildest Dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1275
Ador Creed - "One last breath"

Radiohead - "Karma Police"

Karma police, arrest this man, he talks in maths
He buzzes like a fridge, he’s like a detuned radio
Karma police, arrest this girl, her hitler hairdo, is making me feel ill
And we have crashed her party
This is what you get, this is what you get
This is what you get, when you mess with us

Karma police, I’ve given all I can, it’s not enough
I’ve given all I can, but we’re still on the payroll
This is what you get, this is what you get
This is what you get, when you mess with us
And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself

For a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself


War isn't about who is right, it's about who is left...

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
ma bucur ca mai e cineva care asculta creed

The Rasmus - Sail away

Once upon a time, we had a lot to fight for
We had a dream, we had a plan
Sparks in the air, we spread a lot of envy
Didn't have to care, once upon a time

Remember when I swore
That love was never ending
That you and I would never die
Remember when I swore
We had it all
We had it all

Sail away, it's time to leave
Rainy days are yours to keep
Fade away, the night is calling my name
You will stay, I'll sail away

Once upon a time, we used to burn candles
We had a place to call a home
The dream that we lived was better than divine
Every day was like a gift, once upon a time

Remember when you swore
Your love was never ending
That you and I will never die
Remember when you swore
We had it all
We'd never fall

Sail away, it's time to leave
Rainy days are yours to keep
Fade away, twilight's calling my name
You will stay, I'll sail away

No reason to lie
No need to pretend
I'm grateful to die
To live once again
I'm fearless to fly
And reach for the end
And reach for the end

Sail away
Sail away
The night is calling my name
Sail away

si daca tot suntem la capitolul The Rasmus
Not like the other girls

No more blame
I am destined to keep you save
Gotta rescue the flame
Gotta rescue the flame in your heart

No more blood
I will be there for you my love
I will stand by your side
The world has forsaken my girl

Should I've seen it would be this way
Should I've known from the start what she's up to
When you've loved and you've lost someone
You know what it feels like to lose

She's fading away
Away from this world
Drifting like a feather
She's not like the other girls
She lives in the clouds
And talks to the birds
Hopeless little one
She's not like the other girls

No more shame
She has felt too much pain in her life
In her mind she's repeating the words
All the love you put out will return to you

Should I've seen it would be this way
Should I've known from the start what she's up to
When you've loved and you've lost someone close to you
You know what it feels like to lose

She's fading away
Away from this world
Drifting like a feather
She's not like the other girls
She lives in the clouds
And talks to the birds
Hopeless little one
She's not like the other girls

versurile favorite bucur mai cineva care asculta creed the rasmus sail awayonce upon time, had lot Night angel WebMaster



i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Unforgetable Moderator

Din: Your Wildest Dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1275
Liquido - Narcotic

So you face it with a smile
There is no need to cry
For a trifle's more than this

Will you still recall my name
And the month it all began
Will you release me with a kiss

Have I tried to draw the veil
If I have, how could I fail
Did I fear the consequence

Dazed by careless words
Cosy in my mind

I don't mind
I think so
I will let you go

I don't mind
I think so
I will let you go

Now you shaped that liquid wax
Fit it out with crater cracks
Sweet devotion my delight

Oh, you're such a pretty one
And the naked thrills of flesh and skin
Would tease me through the night

Now I hate to leave you bare
If you need me I'll be there
Don't you ever let me down

Dazed by careless words
Cosy in my mind

I don't mind
I think so
I will let you go

I don't mind
I think so
I will let you go

And I touched your face
Narcotic mind from lazed Mary-Jane
And I called your name
Like an addicted to cocaine calls for the stuff he'd rather blame
And I touched your face
Narcotic mind from lazed Mary-Jane

And I called your name
My cocaine

I don't mind
I think so
I will let you go

Liquido - Play Some Rock

Longing for the schoolyard
Reaching for the scenes
Reminded by the songs that will never disappear
Random like the infants
Outdated like the old
Lying there in aimlessness listening to the cure
Doing some rehearsal
Excercising in the cold
Lowering the standart
For the six-string never rolled
Whistling at the girls
And saving for the fuel
Making plans and knock, knock, knock on wood

Play some rock
Play some rock
Please don't stop
Coming home, coming home

Sentenced by our faults
That we were to make in time
Pleasently aware
Of our solitude in mind
Saved me from the boredom
Of what we disavowed
Encouraged by the sound
That was the sweetest one of all
Admiring your senses
Infected by your tongue
Defenceless I believed
That we'd face anything to come
You innocently told me
You'd catch me when I fall
And solemnly we'd knock, knock, knock on wood

Play some rock
Play some rock
Please don't stop
Coming home, coming home

I'm not the only one, I'm not the only one

stie cineva cum se numeste si cine canta melodia din recl de la Lacoste? Cea cu tipul care sare pe pilonii de pe malul marii, printre valuri etc...


War isn't about who is right, it's about who is left...

pus acum 18 ani
Surioara lui Sapphire Lady!

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 709
Anouk - Mood Indigo

A taste of breath, a kiss sweater than honey
Your eyes in a misty dream a million miles away
And in my ear you whisper my name
Just like in some old news flash
From light years ago

Van Dyke's on the slide trombone
Through the smoke of the party room
Your teeth like the ivory coast
Start singin' my favourite song
And it happen' to be mood indigo

Mood indigo
I just go weak when I hear mood indigo
Could last for weeks until I decide to wake up
Take off my make up

Holding on to my heart
Srnokin' them downhill
In a room number thirteen
Tryin' to stretch my luck again
Dovvn the corridor your footsteps echo against the wall
My man of mystery, my date with infinity
Tonight I'm gonna sacrifice, for the first time in my life
Make it all come back to me, like an old forgotten dream

Van Dyke's on the slide trombone
Through the smoke of the party room
Your teeth like the ivory coast
Start singin' my favourite song
And it happen' to be mood indigo

Mood indigo, I just go weak when I hear mood indigo
It could last for weeks until I decide to wake up
Completely lost in my mood indigo

I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
A woman knows-Martina McBride
How can you just stand there
And act like nothing's wrong
You haven't even kissed me
Or held me for so long
There's no lipstick on your collar
There's no perfume on your clothes
There's no number on a matchbook
But a woman always knows

A woman knows without asking
A woman knows what's left unsaid
A woman knows when a man's been sleeping
In someone else's bed

I don't have all the answers
And you haven't left a clue
But in my heart there's just no question
You've found somebody new

A woman know without asking
A woman knows what's left unsaid
A woman knows when a man's been sleeping
In someone else's bed

When you refuse to talk about it
In your silence my suspicion grows
You don't have to paint a picture
Somehow a woman knows
You don't have to paint a picture
Somehow a woman knows


pus acum 18 ani
Surioara lui Sapphire Lady!

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 709

If roses are meant to be red
And violets to be blue
Why isn't my heart meant for you

My hands longing to touch you
But I can barely breathe
Starry eyes that make me melt
Right in front of me

Lost in this world
I even get lost in this song
And when the lights go down
That is where I'll be found

This music's irresistible
Your voice makes my skin crawl
Innocent and pure
I guess you heard it all before

Mister Inaccessible
Will this ever change
One thing that remains the same
You're still a picture in a frame

Lost in this world
I even get lost in this song
And when the lights go down
That is where I'll be found

I get lost in this world
I get lost in your eyes
And when the lights go down
That's where I'll be found
Yeah yeah

I get lost in this world
I get lost in your eyes
And when the lights go down
Am I the only one

I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: The dark love
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 505
To my unborn child..
To my unborn child.. in case I don't make it
Just remember daddy loves you
[talking in background]
To my unborn child..
To my unborn..

Now ever since my birth, I've been cursed since I'm born to wild
in case I never get to holla at my unborn child
Many things learned in prison, blessed and still livin
Tryin to earn every penny that I'm gettin, and reminiscin
to the beginnin of my mission
When I was conceived, and came to be in this position
My momma was a Panther loud, single parent but she proud
when she witnessed baby boy rip a crowd
To school, but I dropped out, and left the house
Cause my mama say I'm good for nothin, so I'm out
Since I only got one life to live, God forgive me for my sins
Let me make it and I'll never steal again, or deal again
My only friend is my misery
Wantin revenge for the agony they did to me
See my life ain't promised but it'll sure get better
Hope you understand my love letter, to my unborn child

[Chorus: sung, with 2Pac ad libs]
I'm writing you a letter
This is to my unborn child
Wanna let you know I love you
Love you, if you didn't know I feel this way
How I, think about you every day
I have so much to say

Seems so complicated to escape fate
And you can never understand 'til we trade places
Tell the world I feel guilty to bein anxious
Ain't no way in hell, that I could ever be rapist
It's hard to face this, cold world on a good day
When will they let the little kids in the hood play?
I got shot five times but I'm still breathin
Livin proof there's a God if you need a reason
Can I believe in my own fate
Will I raise my kids in the right, or the wrong way?
Dear mama I'm a man now
I wanna make it on my own, not a handout
Make way for a whirlwind prophesized
I wanna go in peace.. when I gotta die
On these cold streets, ain't no love, no mercy, and no friends
In case you never see my face again
To my unborn child


Dear Lord can you hear me, tell me what to say
to my unborn seed in, case I pass away
Will my child get to feel love
Or are we all just cursed to be street thugs? Cause bein black hurts
And even worse if you speak first
Livin my life as an Outlaw, what could be worse?
Cause maybe if I tried to change
Who I'm kiddin? I'ma thug 'til I die, I'ma rider mayne
Touch bases, eat lunch at plush places
Regular criminal oasis awaits us
If there's a ghetto for true thugs, I'll see you there
And I'm sorry for not bein there
Just know your daddy was a soldier, me against the world
Bless the boys, and all my little girls
To the Lord I'm eternal, restin in peace
Please take care of all my seeds, to my unborn child

[Chorus - repeat to fade]

[2Pac over Chorus]
To my unborn child.. please take of all my kids
My unborn child.. to my unborn child
This letter goes out to.. to the seeds that I might not get to see
cause of this lifestyle
Just know that your daddy loves you, got nuttin but love for you
All I wanted was for you have a better life than I did
That's why I was out here on a twenty-four hour 365 grind
When you get to be my age you'll understand
Just know I got love for you
And I'll see you up there in the ghetto heaven
Cause ghetto heaven gotta be there.. haha, take care
Run wild, but be smart
Follow the rules of the game
I know that sometimes it's confusin
The rules of the game is gonna get you through it, all day everyday
Watch out for these snakes and fakes, friends comin down the way..

versurile favorite unborn child..to unborn child.. case don't make itjust remember daddy loves


My Soul is Darker then my life...
life is a misteri that will never be descoverd

LOVE TOKIO HOLEL 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!I love Bill He is a nice boy 2 bad he is gay~LOVE ALLL ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Koda Kumi - 1000 no kotoba (FFX-2)

Kimi no kotoba wa
Yume no yasashisa kana?
USO wo zenbu
ZURUI yo ne

Tabidatsu kimi ni
Sameta senaka misete
Kiiteita yo
Hitori tatakau no?
ZURUI yo ne

"Kaettekuru kara"
Oikoshiteyuku kimi no koe
Iji hatte
Tsuyoi FURI
Toki wo modoshite
Sakebeba yokatta?
Ikanai de to namida koboshitara?
Ima wa dekiru
Donna koto mo

1000 no kotoba wo
Haruka na
Kimi no senaka ni okuru yo
Tsubasa ni kaete

1000 no kotoba wa
kimi no senaka ni yorisoi

Yume no tsuduki wa
Kimi wo omoinagara
Ano hi no koto
Wasureta furishite
ZURUI yo ne

"Tegami wo kaku kara"
Shisen sorashita kimi no koe
iji hatte
Tsuyoi FURI
Toki wo modoshite
Okoreba yokatta?
Matenai yo to kata wo otoshitara?
Ima wa dekiru
Donna koto mo

1000 no kotoba wo
Kimi no senaka ni okuru yo
Tsubasa ni kaete

1000 no kotoba wa
Kimi no senaka ni yorisoi

1000 no kotoba wo
Kimi no senaka ni okuru yo
Tsubaksa ni kaete

1000 no kotoba wa
Kimi no senaka ni yorisoi


I know that you're hiding things,
Using gentle words to shelter me.
Your words were like a dream.
But dreams could never fool me,
Not that easily.

I acted so distant then,
Didn't say goodbye before you left.
But I was listening,
You'll fight your battles far from me,
Far too easily.

"Save your tears 'cause I'll come back."
I could hear that you whispered as you walked through that door,
But still I swore
To hide the pain,
While I turned back the pages.

Shouting might have been the answer,
What if I cried my eyes out and begged you not to depart?
But now I'm not afraid to say what's in my heart.

'Cause a thousand words call out through the ages,
They'll fly to you,
Even though I can't see,
I know they're reaching you,
Suspended on silver wings.

Oh a thousand words,
One thousand embraces,
Will cradle you,
Making all of your weary days seem far away.
They'll hold you forever.

Oh a thousand words (a thousand words),
Have never been spoken (ohhh yeah),
They'll fly to you,
They'll carry you home (carry you home),
And back into my arms,
Suspended on silver wings (On silver wings),

And a thousand words (ohh),
Call out through the ages (call through the ages),
They'll cradle you (oh yeah)
Turning all of the lonely years to only days (only days),
They'll hold you forever...

Rikki - Suteki da ne

Kaze ga   Yose ta   Kotoba ni
Oyoi da   Kokoro
Kumo ga   Hakobu   Ashita ni
Hazu n da   Koe
Tsuki ga   Yureru   Kagami ni
Furue ta   Kokoro
Hoshi ga   Nagare   Kobore ta
Yawarakai   Namida
Suteki da ne
Futari te wo tori   Aruke ta nara
Iki tai yo
KIMI no machi   Ie   Ude no naka
Sono mune
Karada azuke
Yoi ni magire
Kaze wa  Tomani   Kotoba wa
Yasashii  Maboroshi
Kumo wa   Yabure   Ashita wa
Tooku no   Koe
Tsuki ga   Nijimu   Kagami wo
Nagare ta   Kokoro
Hoshi ga   Yurete   Kobore ta
Kaku se nai   Namida
Suteki da ne
Futari te wo tori   Aruke ta nara
Iki tai yo
KIMI no machi   Ie   Ude no naka
Sono Kao
Sotto furete
Asa ni tokeru


My heart was swimming
in words gathered by the wind
My voice bounded
into a cloud-carried tomorrow

My heart trembled
in the moon-swayed mirror
Soft tears
spilled with a stream of stars

Isn't it beautiful?
If we could walk, hand in hand,
I'd want to go
to your town, your home, in your arms

I dream of being
against your chest
my body in your keeping
disappearing into the evening

Words halted by wind are
a gentle illusion
A tomorrow torn by clouds is
the voice of a distant place

My heart that had been
in a moon-blurred mirror that flowed
Those stars that trembled and spilled
cannot hide my tears

Isn't it beautiful?
If we could walk, hand in hand,
I'd want to go
to your town, your home, in your arms

My dream of
your face
that I softly touch
melts in the morning

Mami Kawada - Hishoku no sora

Soshite  kono sora  akaku somete  mata kuru toki  kono mi de  susumu dake
Sure chigatte iku 'hito' mo  magire nakushita 'MONO' mo
Itsuka wa  kieyuku toki
Atsuku yurugasu 'tsuyosa'  hakanaku yureru 'yowasa'
Shosen  onaji mirai
Sonna nichijou  kouka wo tokashi  arawareru hi  kureru sekai
Kaze no nabikase  sen wo hiite  nagareru you na kamisaki  teki wo sasu
Furikitta omoi  minagiru yume
Subete wa ima  kono te de  shimei  hatashite yuku dake
Mata hi ga hitotsu  otosare  sotto doko ka de  kieta
Genjitsu  kawarenu hibi
Dakedo tashikani kanjiru  kimi no nukumori  kodou
Kore mo  shinjitsu da to
Soshite kurenai  koujin wo maki  yuuhi wo sei ni  ima hajimaru  saa
Naze  takanaru kokoro ni  mayoi tomadoi  kanjiru no
Hayaku  itazura ni abare dasu  itami  kowashite
Sora ni nijinda  yaketa kumo wa  uchi ni himeta negai ga  kogashiteru
Tameratta hitomi  ukabu namida  demo ashita no  chikara ni kaete
Subete sasagete  maiorita chi  sareru yaiba  hitotsu de  yami wo kiru
Itsudatte mune no  oku no hikari  matatakasete
kono mi de  shimei
hatashite yuku made


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: The dark love
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 505
When I'm lost in the rain,
In your eyes I know I'll find the light
To light my way.
And when I'm scared,
And losing ground,
When my world is going crazy,
You can turn it all around.
And when I'm down you're there
- pushing me to the top.
You're always there,
giving me all you've got.
For a shield from the storm,
For a friend, for a love
to keep me safe and warm
I turn to you.
For the strength to be strong,
For the will to carry on
For everything you do,
for everything that's true
I turn to you.
When I lose the will to win,
I just reach for you and
I can reach the sky again.
I can do anything
'Cause your love is so amazing,
'Cause your love inspires me.
And when I need a friend,
You're always on my side
Giving me faith
taking me through the night
For a shield from the storm,
For a friend, for a love
to keep me safe and warm
I turn to you.
For the strength to be strong,
For the will to carry on
For everything you do,
for everything that's true
I turn to you.
For the arms to be my shelter
through all the rain,
For truth that will never change,
For someone to lean on,
For a heart I can rely on through anything,
For that one who I can run to...
For a shield from the storm,
For a friend, for a love
to keep me safe and warm
I turn to you
For the strength to be strong,
For the will to carry on
For everything you do,
for everything that's true
I turn to you.
For a shield from the storm,
For a friend, for a love
to keep me safe and warm
I turn to you.
For the strength to be strong,
For the will to carry on
For everything you do,
for everything that's true
I turn to you.
I turn to you...

Cristina-I turn 2 u

versurile favorite when i'm lost the rain,in your eyes know i'll find the lightto light way.and when


My Soul is Darker then my life...
life is a misteri that will never be descoverd

LOVE TOKIO HOLEL 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!I love Bill He is a nice boy 2 bad he is gay~LOVE ALLL ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Din: The dark love
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 505
"I'm With You"

I'm standing on a bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know
'Cause nothing's going right
And everything's a mess
And no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Oh why is everything so confusing
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yea yea yea

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you...

versurile favorite avril lavigne "i'm with standing bridge i'm waiting the dark thought that


My Soul is Darker then my life...
life is a misteri that will never be descoverd

LOVE TOKIO HOLEL 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!I love Bill He is a nice boy 2 bad he is gay~LOVE ALLL ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213

Burning are the skies, blinding is sun, the Evil work is being done
The sea turned red, the land is warm - see the omens of the final storm
Biting wind, infernal chant, no dead is rising from the grave
Ferocious trance and frantic dance, all the dognas are falling apart

Absorption of the sun - apocalyptic flash
All forces from beyond the time now gathered on earth

For thousands of years the Evil has been penting up its rage
Waiting for so long with only aim to take revenge on Christ
Spreading the spawn (here on earth) of self-sacrificing beasts the darkness' breed
Preparing human kind to fight against the Holy Trinity and its greed

Serenity is tubid once and for all
With death's blessing I will win

Like living candles fighting winds from the abyss' depths
(It is only)insanity that can keep you from the stark reality
Evil perfection - all dead things are dying again
Like living candles fighting winds from the abyss' depths

Absorption of the sun - apocalyptic flash
All forces from beyond the time now gathered on earth

Serpent's eyes from the nest of filth derived
Raping fire inhales the Serpent's wisdom of The Incantations!

Sorrowful march of human crowds, infernal flames burning them down
Violent dirge from the abyss' gates, humanity your end has come!
Relics are past, religous signs blew down by a ust of rage
When ancient gates are open wide nothing can restrain the death

Absorption of the sun - apocalyptic flash
All forces from beyond the time now gathered on earth


pus acum 18 ani

Din: Arad
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 183
Dumnezeu e taria mea

Când în zare se iveşte solul celui necurat
Dumnezeu e tăria mea
Când armatele de duhuri cerul au întunecat
Dumnezeu e tăria mea
Când tot iadul stă-n picioare pregătit pentru război
Şi simt că sufletu-mi se zbate prins în cursa grea
Mă aplec în rugăciune şi-aştept ajutorul slavei
Dumnezeu e scăparea mea.

Dumnezeu e tăria mea,
Adăpost pentru sufletul meu
Ajutor când povara-i grea
Dumnezeu e scăparea mea

Dumnezeu are putere ca în cer şi pe pământ
Dumnezeu e tăria mea
Tot ce-n lume se întâmplă este scris şi în cuvânt
Dumnezeu e tăria mea
ÃŽncercarea când e mare şi se pare că mă-ngroapă,
ÃŽntunericul e gros şi nu mai pot vedea
Plec şi fruntea şi genunchiul dar înalţ spre ceruri duhul
Dumnezeu e scăparea mea.

Si deastea mai trebue pentru suflet

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
BoA - Discovery

Sore wa tabun machigai janai
koi ja subete wakachi aenai
bed ni nekorobi kimi ukabetemo
doko ga munashisa kanjiteta

Nee umizoi no michi mado kara hibiku nami
* Zazaza tsuredashite kureta yo
ah kangaeru sore dake ja Love is no good
You You You oshiete kureta kokoro ima yure hajimeteru

Itsuka machi awaseta kaisatsu shiroi iki de mita yoake
futari kanjita ironna oto ya sou fuukei ga

Ne kokoro o hiraki toke awasete kureru
** Zazaza zawameku kono machi mo
ah kimi to nara subarashii Sweetest music
I I I sukoshi zutsu kawatteku mou ai wa sugu soko


Nee umizoi no michi mado kara hibiku nami

Tashika Yuuichi - Kataritsugu Koto

Namida ikutsu koborete
Shingetsu no yoru hitotsu umi ga umareta
Tooku tsumuida kotoba
Kataribetachi no monogatari no naka ni

Mukashi dare ka ga koko de
Hari sake sou na mune wo sotto hiraita
Uta ni kanadete zutto
Donna basho ni mo tazusaete yukeru yo

Kesa naide anata no naka no
Tomoshibi wa tsuranari itsushika
Kagayaku kara

Kataritsugu koto ya tsutaete yuku koto
Jidai no uneri wo watatte yuku fune
Kaze hikaru kyou no hi no sora wo
Uke tsuide sore wo asu ni te watashite

Yubi ni hitai ni kami ni
Anata no mukou kaima mieru omokage
Moshimo toki no nagare wo
Saka noboretara sono hito ni deaeru

Kono sekai umarete soshite
Ataerareta ara yuru namae ni
Negai ga aru

Itoshii egao ni kokoro ugokashite
Arashi ni yura ide tachidomaru toki mo
Mamoritai subete wo sasagete mo
Omoi wa chikara ni sugata wo kaeru kara

Katari tsuide tsutaete yuku koto
Jidai no uneri wo watatte yuku fune
Kaze hikaru kyou no hi no sora wo
Uke tsuide sore wo asu ni te watashite

Ayumi Hamasaki - Still alone

kimi wa ima doko ni aruite
nani o mitsumete'ru no?
itsu ka hanashite kureta yume
oitsudzukete iru no?

mirai o kataru yokogao
totemo suki datta kara

sono yume mamotte yuku tame ni wa
watashi ga icha ikenakatta

kimi wa itsu mo konna basho de
konna keshiki wo mite
dore kurai no fuan to mayoi to
tatakatte'ta no?

hitori ni natte hajimete
wakaru koto ga ookute

kono te o hanasazu ni ireba
doko made demo ikeru ki ga shita

onaji michi aruite iku to
utagau koto mo naku shinjita

doushite sore na no ni watashi wa
doushite sore na no ni watashi wa
da kedo watashi wa
yakusoku wa oboete iru no
wasureta hi wa nai no


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Beauty And The Beast-Nightwish

Remember the first dance we shared?
Recall the night you melted my uglyness away?
The night you left with a kiss so kind
Only a scent of beauty left behind

Ah, dear friend I remember the night
The moon and the dreams we shared
Your trembling paw in my hand
Dreaming of that northern land
Touching me with a kiss of a beast

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

As a world without a glance
Of the ocean's fair expanse
Such the world would be
If no love did flow in thee
But as my heart is occupied
Your love to me now has to die
Forgive me, I need more than you can offer me

Didn't you read the tale
Where happily ever after was to kiss a frog?
Don't you know this tale
In which all I ever wanted
I'll never have
For who could ever learn to love a beast?

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease up your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember, beauty is found within

...Forever shall the wolf in me desire the sheep in you...


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
by Elfen Lied Theme

Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam,
Et lingua eius loquetur indicium.

Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem,
Quoniqm cum probates fuerit accipient coronam vitae.

Kyrie, ignis divine, eleison
O quam sancta, quam serena,
quam benigma, quam amoena
O castitatis lilium

Still loving you
by Scorpions

Time, it needs time
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday
I will be there, I will be there

I'll fight, babe, I'll fight
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can break down the wall someday
I will be there, I will be there

If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again
I'm loving you

Try, baby try
To trust in my love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, our love
Just shouldn't be thrown away
I will be there, I will be there

If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again

If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Yes, I've hurt your pride, and I know
What you've been through
You should give me a chance
This can't be the end
I'm still loving you
I'm still loving you, I need your love
I'm still loving you


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Surioara lui Sapphire Lady!

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 709
My Immortal

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave I wish that you would just leave
Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 193
animal instinct

suddenly something has happened to me
as i was having my cup of tea
suddenly i was felling depressed
i was utterly and totally felling stressed
do you know you made me cry?
do you know you made me die?

and the thing that gets to me
is you'll never really see
and the thing that freaks me out
is i always be in doubt
it is a lovely thing that we have
it is a lovely thind that we
it is a lovely thing,the animal
the animal instinct

so take my hands and come with me
we will chande reality
so take my hands and we will pray
they won't take you away
they will never make me cry,no
they will never make me die
and the thing that gets to me
is you'll never really see
and the thing that freaks me out
is i'll always be in doubt

the animal,the animal
the animal instinct in me
it's the animal,the animal
the animal instinct in me
it's the animal,it's the animal
it's the animal instinct in me (de 2 ori)

sorry nu stiu de cine este scrisa

i have many dreams.....nobody can stop me to make my dreams come true

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
doua mel house pe care le ador

by Vali Barbulescu feat. Giulia

Neincetat ma regasesc
Prinsa-ntre nori si astept
Sa vina ploaia ( de 2x)
Caut un drum
Sa merg spre cer
Vreau sa ma incalzesc in el
Aici visele nu pier!

Ref: Si aud sunete
Stiu esti tu cu gandul sa ma iei
Ia-ma-n zbor!

Si zi de zi ma regasesc
Stau printre nori si-astept
Sa vina ploaia ( de 2x)
Caut un loc
Si-n vise mai sper
Sa prind o stea sa ma poarte la el
Aici visele nu pïer!


Beautiful Things
by Andain

Got up early, found something's missing
my only name.
No one else sees but I got stuck,
and soon forever came.
Stopped pushing on for just a second,
then nothing's changed.
Who am I this time, where's my name
I guess it crept away.

No one's calling for me at the door.
And unpredictable won't bother anymore.
And silently gets harder to ignore.
Look straight ahead, there's nothing left to see.
What's done is done, this life has got it's hold on me.
Just let it go, what now can never be.

I forgot that I might see,
So many beautful things.
I forgot that I might need,
to find out what life could bring.

Take this happy ending away, it's all the same.
God won't waste this simplicity on possibility.
Get me up, wake me up, dreams are filling
this trace of blame.
Frozen still I thought I could stop,
now who's gonna wait.

No one's calling for me at the door.
and unpredictable won't bother anymore.
and silently gets harder to ignore.
look straight ahead, there's nothing left to see.
what's done is done, this life has got it's hold on me.
just let it go, what now can never be.

Now what do I do
can I change my mind
did I think things through

It was once my life - it was my life at one time


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
How Can I Keep From Singing?- Enya

My life goes on in endless song
Above earth's lamentations,
I hear the real, though far-off hymn
That hails a new creation.

Through all the tumult and the strife
I hear it's music ringing,
It sounds an echo in my soul.
How can I keep from singing?

While though the tempest loudly roars,
I hear the truth, it liveth.
And though the darkness 'round me close,
Songs in the night it giveth.

No storm can shake my inmost calm,
While to that rock I'm clinging.
Since love is lord of heaven and earth
How can I keep from singing?
When tyrants tremble in their fear
And hear their death knell ringing,
When friends rejoice both far and near
How can I keep from singing?

In prison cell and dungeon vile
Our thoughts to them are winging,
When friends by shame are undefiled
How can I keep from singing?


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009

Sapphire_Lady a scris:

How Can I Keep From Singing?- Enya

My life goes on in endless song
Above earth's lamentations,
I hear the real, though far-off hymn
That hails a new creation.

Through all the tumult and the strife
I hear it's music ringing,
It sounds an echo in my soul.
How can I keep from singing?

While though the tempest loudly roars,
I hear the truth, it liveth.
And though the darkness 'round me close,
Songs in the night it giveth.

No storm can shake my inmost calm,
While to that rock I'm clinging.
Since love is lord of heaven and earth
How can I keep from singing?
When tyrants tremble in their fear
And hear their death knell ringing,
When friends rejoice both far and near
How can I keep from singing?

In prison cell and dungeon vile
Our thoughts to them are winging,
When friends by shame are undefiled
How can I keep from singing?

god Sapphire Lady cat pot adora melodia asta

si daca tot suntem la capitolul enya...

Wild Child
by Enya

Ever close your eyes
Ever stop and listen
Ever feel alive
And you've nothing missing
You don't need a reason
Let the day go on and on

Let the rain fall down
Everywhere around you
Give into it now
Let the day surround you
You don't need a reason
Let the rain go on and on

What a day, what a day to take to
What a way, what a way to make it through
What a day, what a day to take to a wild child

Only take the time
From the helter skelter
Every day you find
Everything's in kilter
You don't need a reason
Let the day go on and on

Every summer sun
Every winter evening
Every spring to come
Every autumn leaving
You don't need a reason
Let it all go on and on

What a day, what a day to take to
What a way, what a way to make it through
What a day, what a day to take to a wild child

What a day, what a day to take to
What a way, what a way to make it through
What a day, what a day to take to a wild child

What a day, what a day to take to
What a way, what a way to make it through
What a day, what a day to take to


What a way, what a way to make it through

What a way, what a way to make it through
What a day, what a day to take to a wild child
What a day, what a day to take to a wild child

By Enya

You know when you gave your love away
It opened your heart, everything is new
And you know time will always find a way
To let your heart believe it?s true

You know love is everything you say
A whisper, a word, promises you give
You feel it in the heartbeat of the day
You know this is the way love is

Amarantine, amarantine, amarantine
Love is always love
Amarantine, amarantine, amarantine
Love is always love

You know love will sometimes make you cry
So let the tears go they will flow away
For you know love will always let you fly
How far a heart can fly away

Amarantine, amarantine, amarantine
Love is always love
Amarantine, amarantine, amarantine
Love is always love

(Amarantine, amarantine)
Love is always love

You know when love?s shining in your eyes
It may be the storms falling from above
And you know love is with you when you rise
For night and day belong to love


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
Prietenii stiu de ce,mommy! And tell me Saphy,everyone plss call me Saphy !

Paint The Sky With Stars-Enya

Suddenly before my eyes
Hues of indigo arise
With them how my spirit sighs
Paint the sky with stars

Only night will ever know
Why the heavens never show
All the dreams there are to know
Paint the sky with stars

Who has placed the midnight sky
So a spirit has to fly?
As the heavens seem so far now,
Who will paint the midnight star?

Night has brought to those who sleep
Only dreams they cannot keep
I have legends in the deep
Paint the sky with stars

Who has placed the midnight sky
So a spirit has to fly?
As the heavens seem so far now,
Who will paint the midnight star?

Place a name upon the night
One to set your heart alight
And to make the darkness bright
Paint the sky with stars.


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
sa vedem....
by Enya

Cold as the northern winds,
in December mornings,
cold is the cry that rings,
from this far distant shore.

Winter has come too late,
too close beside me.
How can I chase away,
all these tears deep inside.

I 'll wait, the sgns to come.
I'll find a way.
I will wait, the time to come.
I'll find a way home.

My light shall be the moon,
And my path - the ocean.
My guide the morning star
As I sail home to you.

I'll wait, the signs to come.
I'll find a way.
I will wait, the time to come.
I'll find a way home.

Who then, can warm my soul?
Who can quell my passion?
out of these dreams - a boat,
I will sail home to you.

Evening Falls
by Enya

When the evening falls and the daylight is fading,
from within me calls - could it be I am sleeping?
For a moment I stray, then it holds me completely.
close to home - I cannot say.
close to home feeling so far away.
As I walk there before me a shadow
from another world, where no other can follow.
carry me to my own, to where I can cross over...
close to home - I cannot say.
close to home feeling so far away.
Forever searching; never right,
I am lost in oceans of night.
Forever hoping I can find memories.
those memories I left behind.
Even though I leave will I go on believing
that this time is real - am I lost in this feeling?
Like a child passing through, never knowing the reason.
I am home - I know the way.
I am home - feeling oh, so far away.


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Poison Ruby
Ex. Sapphire_Lady

Din: In the poison of your heart
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1213
I Want Tomorrow-Enya

Dawn breaks; there is blue in the sky.
Your face before me
Though I don't know why.
Thoughts disappearing like tears from the Moon.

Waiting here, as I sit by the stone,
They came before me
Those men from the Sun.
Signs from the heavens say I am the one.

Now you're here, I can see your light,
this light that I must follow.
You, you may take my life away, so far away.
Now I know I must leave your spell
I want tomorrow.



pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
facem concurs? ....ah ce nervi am ca imi lipsesc cateva melodii de la enya ca sa am toata colectia *crying a river*

Only Time
by Enya

Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only time...

And who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only time...

Who can say why your heart sighs,
As your love flies?
Only time...

And who can say why your heart cries,
When your love dies?
Only time...

Who can say when the roads meet,
That love might be,
In your heart.

And who can say when the day sleeps,
If the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart...

(long interlude)
Who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only time...

And who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only time...

Who knows?
Only time...

Who knows?
Only time...

On your shore
by Enya

Strange how my heart beats
             To find myself upon your shore.
             Strange how I still feel
             My loss of comfort gone before.

             Cool waves wash over
             and drift away with dreams of youth
             so time is stolen
             I cannot hold you long enough.

             And so this is where I should be now
             Days and nights falling by
             Days and nights falling by me.
             I know of a dream I should be holding
             days and nights falling by
             Days and nights falling by me.
             Soft blue horizons
             reach far into my childhood days
             as you are rising
             to bring me my forgotten ways

             Strange how I falter
             to find I'm standing in deep water
             Strange how my heart beats
             to find I'm standing on your shore


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Surioara lui Sapphire Lady!

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 709
intru si eu -mel preferat de la enya
China Roses

Who can tell me if we have heaven,
who can say the way it should be;
Moonlight holly, the Sappho Comet,
Angel's tears below a tree.

You talk of the break of morning
as you view the new aurora,
Cloud in crimson, the key of heaven,
one love carved in acajou.

One told me of China Roses,
One a Thousand nights and one night,
Earth's last picture, the end of evening:
hue of indigo and blue.

A new moon leads me to
woods of dreams and I follow.
A new world waits for me;
my dream, my way.

I know that if I have heaven
there is nothing to desire.
Rain and river, a world of wonder
may be paradise to me.

I see the sun.
I see the stars.

I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...

pus acum 18 ani
Bloody`s guy

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1270
~am avut acelasi drum
  c ar fi pakt acum
  sa apuci pe un drum gresit
  si sa uiti k te-am iubit
  oare asa meritam
  ce-am iubit sa nu mai am
  asa ma rasplatesti tu
  fiink ti-am dat sufletul

am o poza d a ta
si-o tin la inima mea
scrisa p un coltisor
te iubesc si t ador
am o poza d la tine
unde merg o iau cu mine
nu m-alinta, nu-mi vorbeste
o privesc si ea-mi zambeste~

~ doare! tare! si park sufletul imi moare
   dar o sa vina ziua sa-mi ceri in genunchi iertare
   si fiekre lacrima c o vars pt tine
   mai tarziu o sa s intoark  si vei suferi k mine
   stiu k nu fac bine k t kut si t sun mereu...
   am inteles t plictisesc...mai bine plec eu!
   si mai tarziu o sa vrei sa ma intorc inapoi...
   dar va fi prea tarziu pt noi 2~


pus acum 18 ani
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