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Dark Anime / Filme,seriale anime! / Tokyo Mew Mew Moderat de Bloody_Angel, Mariko21, Poison Ruby, Pungasha, ancutza_vampiroaica
Mesaj Pagini: 1
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Pareri despre acest anime...Mie una imi place la nebunie...Personajele mele favorite sunt Zoey (Ichigo), Renee (Zakuro), Bridget (Lettuce), Kiki (Pudding), Corina (Mint), Dren (Kisshu), Mark (Aoyama), Elliot (Ryou). SUbiectul chiar imi place si de-abia astept sa vad toata seria

tokyo mew mew pareri despre acest una imi place mele favorite sunt zoey (ichigo), renee (zakuro), Night angel WebMaster



i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: from the lost world of angel
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 236
si mie imi place

tokyo mew mew mie imi place



pus acum 18 ani
sweet member

Din: somewhere in this world
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 425
Este super tare. Preferatele mele sunt Bridget si ...

tokyo mew mew este super tare. mele sunt bridget ... sweet member



pus acum 18 ani
sweet member

Din: somewhere in this world
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 425

tokyo mew mew ...kiki. sweet member



pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
am vazut azi pe net niste AMV-uri cu TMM si sincer am ramas super ganditoare...nu ma asteptam ca Deep Blue sa fie Mark si sa faca atata rau...si sincer m-am intristat super tare cand a bagat sabia in Dren..

tokyo mew mew vazut azi net niste amv-uri tmm sincer ramas super asteptam deep blue fie mark faca Night angel WebMaster



i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1063
e ffffff frumos animeul  iar personajul favorit este Mark iar apoi Zoey... am vazut si eu amv la o prietena... eu stiam ca Mark e deep blue dar nu ma gandeam ca poate fii atat de rau si crud......dar totusi ramane personajul meu favorit

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
look here la niste AMV-uri misto tare




tokyo mew mew look here niste amv-uri misto Night angel WebMaster



i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Bloody`s brother

Din: BuCuReShTy
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 509
este mai mult pt fete,dar ma uit shi yo


pus acum 18 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 646
rymali si toti ceilalti de unde aveti amv-urile?vreau si eu sa le vad dar nu le-am gasit pe dc

Orice om este prost macar 5 min pe zi;intelepciunea consta in a nu depasi aceasta limita

pus acum 18 ani
Bloody`s lil sis

Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
imi place mult de tot mew mew tokyo, toate personjele imi plac deoaree sunt very sweet, dar cel mai mult imi plac: Renee si Eliot

tokyo mew mew imi place mult tot mew mew tokyo, toate personjele imi plac deoaree sunt very sweet, Bloody`s lil sis


pus acum 18 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 646
si pana la urma zoey cu cine va ramana?mark moare?si celelalte nu-si gasesc si ele perechea?

Orice om este prost macar 5 min pe zi;intelepciunea consta in a nu depasi aceasta limita

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Zoey evident ca va ramane cu Mark...adik asa sper...mi se pare ca Kikki va ramane cu Tarb iar Bridget va fi in love de Sardon...oricum sunt super amuzante episoadele...


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: California
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 244
rymali, cum ai reusit sa vezi amv-uri pe site-ul ala?! am incercat shi eu dar nu merg, oricum cineva mia dat o multime de amv-uri din mew mew, shi am f multe poze shi am mai citit rezumate la episoade.... asa ca in mare stiu ce se intampla in mew mew, dar niciodata nu pot sti tot :d apropo, bridget il place pe elliot, elliot pe zoey , zoey pe mark...personaje preferate :
Zoey Hanson(Ichigo Momomiya) shi Renee Roberts(Zakuro Fujiwara)

tokyo mew mew rymali, cum reusit vezi amv-uri site-ul ala?! incercat shi dar merg, oricum cineva mia


Dreamy, Icy, Sweet...
Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies

"What am I to do with my life
(You will find out don't worry)
How Am I supposed to know what's right?
(You just got to do it your way)
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected"

pus acum 18 ani
Surioara lui Sapphire Lady!

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 709
eu le-am vazut si mio placut,no mers chiar bine dar noo,macar le-am vazut

I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: from the lost world of angel
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 236
le-am vazut si mau facut sa plang , chir este trist


pus acum 18 ani
Rymali's sweet angel

Din: Haven
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 860
ms fumos Rimaly de amv-uri....chiar cautam.......si tie dea91

Can you feel it?Can you feel the worm brathing on your neck...going up to your smooth lips that cry four my kiss.....your silk lips that I bless with a kiss of an angel.....then feel it for the last time cause I am not a pure angel any more...Your indiference killed me...now I am an warior angel.....don`t stay in my way.....

pus acum 18 ani
Bloody`s lil sis

Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
spuneti-mi si mie un site de unde le pot vedea si Renee cu cine ramane?

pus acum 18 ani

Din: from the lost world of angel
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 236
cu placere


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
pai renee nu cred ca mai ramane cu nimeni..iar dren, tarb si sardon will die ...zakuro ca sa le poti vedea trebuie sa astepti sa se incarce...
poor kikki....tarb dies in her hands...ma intreb daca pana la urma  va ramane cu logodnicul ei care i-a luat apararea in ep 30 si ceva


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Bloody`s lil sis

Din: The forest of dreams
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 1175
se pare ca s-a terminat seria asta din tokyo mew mew pw aplus se va da si o serie noua?

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
posibil...insa eu am o nedumerire.....ce se intampla cu alea 2 care apar dupa ce se termina seria? am cautat episoade si nu am gasit cu alea...cumva o sa fie un nou titlu?


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 26
Mie imi plac Zakuro si Ichigo dintre fete, iar dintre baieti il ador pe Kishu!!!!

tokyo mew mew mie imi plac zakuro ichigo dintre fete, iar dintre baieti ador kishu!!!!


Massugu oma manazashi ga suki /  Zutto mite itai
I love those eyes that look straight ahead/i want to look at them forever

pus acum 18 ani

Din: bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 193
eu ii ador pe ichigo,shirogane si kishu

i have many dreams.....nobody can stop me to make my dreams come true

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
Kisshu is my love si nu il impart cu nimeni MUHAHAHA (mda..m-am molipsit de la MaleficMist)


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 26
Eu nam vazut pana la sfarsit,asa ca vreau sa stiu daca Kisshu moare.

tokyo mew mew nam vazut pana vreau stiu daca kisshu moare.


Massugu oma manazashi ga suki /  Zutto mite itai
I love those eyes that look straight ahead/i want to look at them forever

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
nop...Kisshu nu moare....ii va reinvia pe toti Ichigo cu mew aqua si se vor intoarce pe planeta lor...


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Demon World
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 35
Sunt super tari ep. mai ales ultimu cand moare dren.....mare pacat!!!

tokyo mew mew sunt super tari ep. mai ales ultimu cand moare pacat!!!


Death is coming to get you!!!

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
NU MOARE....il salveaza ichigo


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 25
si mie imi place tokio mew mew personajele mele preferate sunt renee si zoey

tokyo mew mew mie imi place tokio mew mew mele preferate sunt renee zoey


pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 27
pt o perioada foarte lunga TMM a fost animeul meu preferat
personajele mele favorite sunt Ichigo , Kisshu , Ryou si Pudding
episodul meu preferat e cel in care moare Kisshu(ma rog ... invie in ultimul ep datorita lu' Ichigo), desi nu l-am vazut decat in japoneza , fara traducere si mai mult am dedus ce zic , dar imi place si ultimul episod mult (pe ala l-am vazut tradus)

tokyo mew mew perioada foarte lunga tmm fost animeul meu preferat mele favorite sunt ichigo kisshu


I love cause u love
I am alive cause u are alive
and I am happy just because u are happy,but ...
    I am sad because u are happy with someone else
    And I hate cause u love someone else .
  I am alive , but I am dead ... I'm just an ilusion .
      I gave u my smile , but u didn't want it ,
      I gave u my love , but u didn't want it ,
   I gave u my hart , but u won't give it back ...
          So I beg u once more , save me from this foolishness caled love !

pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009
On her first date with the cutest boy in school, Ichigo is zapped by a mysterious ray that scrambles her DNA with that of the endangered Iriomote wildcat. The next day, Ichigo discovers that she has developed the agility (and occasionally the ears and tail) of a cat, as well as the power to transform into a pink-haired superheroine, Mew Ichigo. She and four other girls, each endowed with the genes of a different "Red Data" animal, have been selected for the top-secret Mew Project, which aims to protect the Earth from an alien menace known as Deep Blue.

1.  Becoming a Cat, the Defender of Justice is a Girl in Love nyan
Neko ni Naru, Seigi no Mikata wa Koi Suru Shoujo Nyan 2005-02-19 1.  The Main Mew's Muse
2002-04-13 2.  A New Friend, The Defender of Justice is a Super-Debutante, Nyan
Atarashii Nakama, Seigi no Mikata wa Chou-Ojousama Nyan 2005-02-26 2.  The Mew Kid In Town
2002-04-20 3.  School Ghost Story, Revealing the Monster's True Form, Nyan
Gakkou no Kaidan, Obake no Shoutai Mitsukedasu Nyan 2005-03-05 3.  Mew Two
2002-04-27 4.  Tearful Date, The Secret I Can't Tell Aoyama-kun, Nyan
Namida no DEETO, Aoyama-kun ni Ienai Himitsu Nyan 2005-03-12 4.  Pooltergeist
2002-05-04 5.  A Storm of Rhythmic Gymnastics, I'll Be a Shining Star with a Cat's Dance, Nyan
Arashi no Shintaisou, Neko no Mai de Kagayaku Hoshi ni Naru Nyan 2005-03-19 5.  The Lion Thing
2002-05-11 6.  Piano of the Heart, A Heart-Pounding Ball, Nyan
Kokoro no PIANO, Tokimeki no Butoukai Nyan 2005-03-26 6.  Gymewstics
2002-05-18 7.  Enter Purin, Ears and Tail are Performance Too
Purin Toujou, Mimi to Shippo mo Gei no uchi 2005-04-02 7.  Party 'Til You Mew
2002-05-25 8.  Let's GO to the Onsen! The Love Miracle of the Mystery Mountain
Onsen e GO! Shinpi no Yama no Ai no Kiseki 2005-04-09 8.  Monkey See, Monkey Mew
2002-06-01 9.  Dearest Brother, The Memory is in the Photograph
Itoshii no Oniisama, Omoide wa Shashin no Naka ni 2005-04-16 9.  Spa Blahs!
2002-06-08 10.  The Final Member, The Illusory Lone Wolf
Saigo no Nakama, Maboroshi no Ippiki Ookami 2005-04-23 10.  Do Mew Want to Dance?
2002-06-15 11.  Believing Hearts, The Five Together are Tokyo Mew Mew
Shinjiru Kokoro, Gonin Sorotte Toukyou MYUU MYUU 2005-04-30 11.  Hollywood Mew Mew
2002-06-22 12.  I've Been Exposed, The Cherry Petals Fall at the End of Spring
BAREchatta, Kisetsuhazure no Sakura Chiru 2005-05-07 12.  The Taming of the Mew
2002-06-29 13.  Hearts that Miss in Passing, Aoyama-kun is the Target
Surechigau Kokoro, Nerawareta Aoyama-kun 2005-05-14 13.  Slime and Slime Again
2002-07-06 14.  Akasaka's Secret, A Sad Love Story
Akasaka no Himitsu, Setsunai Koi no Monogatari 2005-09-10 14.  Butterflies Are Freaky
2002-07-13 15.  A Little Hero, Masha Risks His Life for Friendship
Chiisana Yuusha, MASHA Inochigake no Yuujou 2005-09-17 15.  The Hero Lies in Mew
2002-07-20 16.  Lettuce's Love, Earnest Feelings at the Library
Retasu no Koi, Ichizu na Omoi wa Toshokan de 2005-09-24 16.  Books Of Love
2002-07-27 17.  The Blue Knight! I'll Be the One to Protect You!!
Ao no Kishi! Omae wa Ore ga Mamoru!! 2005-10-01 17.  A Knight to Remember
2002-08-03 18.  Midsummer Love! Ichigo's Heart A-Flutter
Manatsu no Koi! Ichigo no HAATO wa Yurayura 2005-10-08 18.  My Knight in Blue Armour
2002-08-10 19.  The Power of Kindness, Let My Wish Reach the Bottom of the Sea
Yasashisa no Chikara, Umi no Fukaku ni Negai yo Todoke 2005-10-15 19.  A Girl With A Porpoise 
20.  Memories of Mother, Big Sister's in Trouble na no da
Haha no Kioku, Oneechan wa Taihen na no da
21.  Sparks of the Heart - Ichigo and Mint at Odds 2005-10-29 21.  One Flew Out of the Mew Mew's Nest
22.  Farewell Summer - Ichigo's Longest Day 2005-11-05 22.  Buggin'
23.  Sudden Love! Accept Girl's Hearts! 2005-11-12 23.  I've Got A Crush On Mew
24.  A Mysterious Gem: Brilliance is Within You!  24.  Diamonds Are A Girls Worst Enemy
25.  Love Hurdle - Many Obstacles to Ichigo's Love  25.  The Hunt For Blue Aqua
26.  Stop Time! Overwhelmed with Sentimental Feeling  26.  Coo Coo Cocoon
27.  I Love You - Aoyama-kun's Shocking Declaration
28.  The Key to the Mystery is Her K.I.S.S.
29.  A Forbidden Love? I Can Understand Cats ~nyan!
30.  Be Honest! Unspoken Love in the Crystal Ball
31.  Father's Back, One-game Match for Ichigo!
32.  Princess Fight - The Hero Can't be Bought for Money
33.  A Fiance Appears. Puddings's Fated Marriage?!
34.  The Most Important Matter - The Ability to Trust In Someone
35.  Don't Cry, Lonely Little Zakuro
36.  Shirogane's Past: the Secret of the Mew Mews' Birth
37.  The Shining Tear: Celebrating Christmas with just the Two of Us
38.  Miracle of the Holy Night, No Secrets Anymore
39.  The Stolen Dream, Sweet Trap of the Lavender
40.  Two Becoming Friends? Pudding in Imminent Danger!
41.  A Wind that Carries Happiness, An Earnest Prayer
42akuro's Doubt, And Then There Were Four Mew Mews
43. Enemy or Ally? Fight, Big Sister!!
44. The Town that Became a Forest! The One Who Protects Ichigo's Smile
45. Mystery Solved! The Truth about the Blue Knight
46. New Battle! A Friend Who Protects the Earth
47. The Power of Love! I'll Protect Aoyama-kun!!
48. Maze from Another Dimension! Quiche's Gamble!!
49. The Awakening of Blue, Yet Another Form!
50. Ichigo's Test! I'm a Mew Mew
51.Our Final Battle! I Believe in Your Smile
52. For the Future of Earth, We'll Serve, Nyan!


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Pitesti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 512
mie nu-mi place acest anime....sa fim serioshi.....e o copie nereushita a lui Sailor Moon. Eu doar mi-am exprimat parerea....sper k nu v-ati suparat...dar de fapt, cine sunt eu sa-mi luatzi in seama cuvintele ....e parerea fiecaruia shi eu o respect.....dar mie imi vine sa ma dau cu capul de peretzi cand aud de Mew Mew.....

As long as I have to do what I have to do, I won't die!!!

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 62
mie imi place renee si zoey

tokyo mew mew mie imi place renee zoey


pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 62
mie imi place renee si zoey

tokyo mew mew mie imi place renee zoey


pus acum 18 ani
Night angel WebMaster

Din: In my dark imagination
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 2009


i'm just an angel that flies away
i'm just lost in the night of your heart
it's only pain and hate there...so...
i'm just a broken angel...

pus acum 18 ani
Pagini: 1  

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